Monday, October 29, 2007


Another year, another win for the Red Sox! With a 4-0 sweep over the Rockies, the Red Sox won it all with the help of Matsuzaka and Okajima, great work guys! As for the Mariners thats another story waiting to be told next year, hopefully they will do better!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


NEET? What is it? Its Japanese English! One day one of the teachers asked "what do you want to be in the future?". Most students gave the usual, "I want to be a engineer, doctor, teacher, etc" but one student wrote "I want to be NEET". I thought it was a mispelling of the word "neat" but it didn't make sense, so I asked my teacher. He said it is short for ... "Not in Education, Employment, or Training". Wow, I thought that is a neat answer.

Thursday, October 18, 2007


mr sato, who looks just like the Japanese comedian named "kirin" ... he wants to be the next college football stud


Today was a continuation of mid term tests, so in the morning corrected some (better than final time when i have all 15 classes compared to 2 this time) and delivered some tests. Observed an math class, interesting how universal math is. Probably the only class you can take without understanding what the teacher is saying. Math is math wherever you are in the world. After class I went to grab some lunch at the cafeteria and ran into the soccer crew. One of the guys, Mr Sato, aka Kirin (looks like the comedian guy) wants to play football in college. He is pretty buff, but doesn't know anything about football. Suggested some positions, RB you are the man, WR you are pimping, FS you can run and kill, QB don't do it people want to kill ya. He brought his own ball so we were throwing it around with his soccer crew. Probably the first time any of them threw a football before, taught them some different ways to throw and showed them a couple drills. It was fun to throw in the sun rather than be in class.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Outside my window is this little mountain or hill. Every sunset I always look toward it and see this building in the shadows, I always wonder what it is, maybe one day I will go up there, but for now I will just enjoy the sights from my window.


It was a nice day in Himeji today, so I decided to take a pic before the clouds swallowed up the sun.


This week is mid-term week for the kids. Tests started today, Tuesday thru Friday. They have about 2 to 3 tests for 4 days. Talk about not fun. Anyways, good news for me, I get out around noonish to enjoy the day, if I had a car, so I will exchange that time to ride gracefully on my bright yellow bike in the perfect autumn weather. I love autumn here in Japan, why can't it be like this year round. Reminds me of the Seattle summers! It was so nice that I came back to my apartment to chill inside and talk to Ace and Ark back home, ha ha ha.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Had class today with Mr. M, I love Mr. M very nice old guy with a different style and life. I like hanging out with old people. Today Mr. M was playing with his teeth, kinda of rearranging them periodically during class. The dentures he was shifting were picked up the students eyes, as their eye light up as if they saw gold. When Mr. M was looking down or when he had his back to the students, the students would secretly gesture to their teeth in disbelief of what they saw. Even Tatsuya looked Mr. M straight in the eye when he answered a question, looking for gold or just the shifting of the teeth. It sure was an interesting day.