Saturday, November 29, 2008


After a long two week wait, the results were in and all my students passed level 2 of the English Step Examination. I am so proud of them. They came into the teachers room to thank me and Harada sensei for helping them. Harada sensei said this was the first time that all the students who took the level 2 test at the same time passed. I am happy to keep my clean record of passing students through English interview tests. Whew!


Students huddle around Iwabuchi sensei to check out their English Step Exam results.


The student leader group lines up for their photo album pic. Anna takes a peek from the corner.


Me and Mr. Harada trained these poor kids 6 straight days in order to pass their English interview test. I am crossing my fingers for them. It was challenging and fun to work with them, they are a funny bunch of kids, they worked really hard. picture : Aiko, Mr. Harada, Yuki, Me, Marron, Lady Killa, and Daiki.


It was alot of 12 hour days last week, having regular classes and trying to prepare kids for their English Step Examination interview. Well I think I was almost last one out.


Some of my old students sYui and Suga baby stopped by and chilled at my desk.


alot of books were out for the parents to check out universities and colleges


before the food test


how about some mayonaise on top of ramen?


try eating mayonaise and ramen


from 3rd floor the balcony


the 3-4 class girls


everyone looks happy


students line up on the field


Yuma, Yamashita, Inada, Mr. President


It wouldn't be Halloween without a Thriller. Couldnt use the old Snoopy Halloween for the high school kids, they a bit too old. So bought the Michael DVD/CD for $35 just to get the video, hot damn! The bootleg wasn't gonna work so had to go legit. Whipped up a listening and question class using Thriller. The English classes loved it, they were cracking up laughing, it was cool to see Michael in real life on the big screen. Two thumbs up to Mr. Jackson's Thriller for Halloween.


Yup they taste the same even in Japan.


McDonalds in Japan is called, Makudo, and it looks like a special on ChibiMaruKo.

NIKON D90 test photo




flying pigs




Checked out the Banff Mt Film Festival with Kayo. It was pretty cool as all of the films were outdoor films from little known people. Mr. Teranishi at school said it was a must see. The best film I thought was "King Lines" a movie about the best rock climber in the world, Chris Sharma. If you like rock climbing or even human challenges you must check it out.

The event was in Osaka, and there was alot of outdoor people, meaning it looked like a outdoor brand event party. Kinda like everyone was from REI of sorts, but everyone sported their Patagonia, NorthFace, MontBell, etc. Kinda cool, of course I even had to bring my Mt. Hardware jacket to blend in. Cool to see more laid back outdoor people, rather than the everyday stylish Gucci, Prada, etc stuff on the streets.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Went to Osaka today for the ELT meeting. Learned how to have your class make surveys and interview foreigners, quite interesting, and the other seminar taught how teach the MAT system to elementary kids, pretty informative and cool. Talked to some of the presenters and they asked what school I worked at. Told them I work at Toyo High School and to my suprise most people knew my school. It's all about the baseball, that's what my school is famous for. Met up with Kim, good to was doing well in Osaka. Polished off the evening by travelling almost an hour to eat one of the finest hamburgers in Japan at Kuaaina. A hamburger joint from Hawaii. Ordered up the 1/2 lb burger, not sure if that was a good idea, but hey if I gonna go, I gotta eat. The burger was a little too well done, it was better last time, oh well. 

Saturday, November 15, 2008


☆Im loooving it☆ここは、マネキンの変わりに大きなマクドのおっちゃんの壁写真'!松下MIPホール、やるやん;P


Me and my friend Ronald Mcdonald. If I need a good greasy burger I know where to go.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


This week I have been working hard with Harada sensei to get the kids ready for their English interview test. 5 students in total, 4 from 2-1 class and 1 from 3-1 class. They all passed the level 2 writing part of the test which is pretty good. But they have alot of work to do in passing their interview. They don't practice speaking enough, so well, its not so good. But I am crossing my fingers and working hard, I hope they all can pass but I am not sure. I was like the second to last teacher tonite, been leaving school around 8pm. Sure is tiring, but I enjoy the challenge.

Yeah ... alot of stuff going on and just not enough time, how am I gonna pass my Japanese test, I dont study, hahaha. Then I got grad school apps due in Jan. Oh my,too many things to do!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Obama is the man, oh I hope he wins!!! Go BAMA!

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Its all the rage in Japan, the banana diet. Damn TV show tells everyone and before you know it all the supermarkets are out of bananas, I ain't on no banana diet, I just like eating bananas, where are my bananas!!


Mr. Rilakuma found a new home. Took a bit of work to get the big fellow, the UFO Catcher game isn't exactly the easiest thing, mmm .. think I spent like $30 bucks, damn those games, sucker me in!


Was cruising through 7-11 the other day and low and behold a new drink! I can't resist the new drinks, gotta try em all, even if they are a bit wierd like this oh so yummy yogurt flavor Pepsi drink. Well it wasn't too bad, but don't I will buy it again.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Work been busy, making lessons everyday, seems like it never ends, its always in the back of my mind. So ya don't got much to talk about except school. But school is fun so its all good. Was tired last night so made lessons in the morning for 3rd period, lucky I got the textbook from last year. Too bad they didnt use last years ORAL communication book would have been a hell lot easier, because I gotta make everything from scratch this year. Anyways got through class today. Lunch time ran into Aki and some of the other 2nd grade girls. They said I looked slimmer than last year. Mmmm .. I don't think I got thinner, I think I am the same weight. The 3-4 kids were watching the Cultural Festival in the computer room, so I stopped by. I was playing on the chair when Yamashita threw me into a tornado, I fell of and landed on my hip, damn that hurt, I don't think I am as young as I used to be, gotta workout more. Speaking of working out, haven't been to the school gym or any gym for a long time, gotta hit the weights, I am losing my muscle! Taught the 3-4 class some slang, it was hard because it was like another foreign, foreign language, but I think it will be good as soon as they learn it, its very useful for their university test and whatever. Lastly Mr Munakata is a great guy, nice guy, always helping me, had to check out if the Michael Jackson Thriller bootleg was gonna work in class, so he helped me with the audio visual stuff. It was kinda dark, but it worked, mmm ... its great to have a guy like Mr. Munakata.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Classes are getting a bit better, getting back into the swing of things. Been pumping some iron and playing with the bball kids, nice to get a little sweat going. When you are working not much time to be young and play anymore. Nice to escape the teachers room and hang out with the kids. Even taught the kids, "hang out" hope they use it. Anyways nothing beats a 5 minute commute on your bike to school. Take that carbon footprint. Living near work is one of the best things. Heck I live so close and I am still late to school, hahaha.

Thursday, September 04, 2008


Its been a long time since I blogged. Blogging is hard, cuz you gotta do it everyday, anyways. Today is a GREAT day!! Because its not HUMID and HOT. Yes, it was finally cool for once without sweating like a dog, mark this day in history, September 4th, I just hope it continues.

School was good had a fun time with the sports class as Mr. Harada stopped into to cover for Masuda sensei. Kids were attentive to Mr. Harada's baseball stories, but best of all they asked some funny questions in English. One of the students asked "Do you love your wife?", that alone was probably the best question yet, because it was more than one word.

Chatted with Tanaka, I thought her teacher gave her the paper for the makeup final, but um he didn't so luckily I talked to her myself. Either she memorizes the paragraph to pass class or she doesn't, I hope she can do it.

Kids are moody, I hate that, one of the nicest girls last girl sunddenly became a big bitch this year and won't even talk to me, dunno whats up with her, did I give her a bad grade or something? Maybe its a vengence against all teachers, anyways, whatever. Kids are wierd.

Then there is Youtube, currently watching "I Survived A Japanese Game Show". I am not sure what to say, maybe its um really really dumb, maybe this reality TV thing has gone a bit too far. Its just idiots moving to another country and filming it there. Oh my, maybe its because I live in Japan and I know the audience is not really like that, its like the audience is on crack or something, kinda leaves like a misleading cultural impression of what Japan is really like. And I watch Japanese TV everyday, I have never seen shows like this, if I do its rarely, its not a common thing. Oh well you know its where they can make money, dumb or not.

Monday, July 14, 2008


Um, its FUCKIN HOT!!! Nice to come home and your apartment is 37 degrees C , translation 98.6 F!!! HOT!!! Then the nice days are filled with 32 C aka 89.6 F, with a full 100 percent humidity! Try working while sweat drips down your head, its great! Anyways can't wait to go back to Seattle next week! Yipee! no more sweating!!

Monday, July 07, 2008


looks like danger


ブリタとレンジ=火事と煙 When the Brita meets the stove.

Friday, July 04, 2008



I miss the fireworks on Lake Union. Haven't seen fireworks in Seattle for 5 or 6 years!! Japan has fireworks but its not the same. It's not a loud boom 15-20 minute free for all like in America, but the benefits of a Japanese firework show is that it usually lasts from 40minutes to one hour. A whole day of festivities including a lot of drinking and eating. It's pretty cool and unique at the same time, plus there is a firework show every weekend throughout the summer. Not just one day, but day after day of fireworks so you have time to visit them all if you really wanted.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008


Get your towels! Definetly a CRAZY good concert!! Funky Monkey Babys was the main act followed up by Thelma Aoyama and Satomi and Meg. Satomi was alright, hip hop and dancing but regular. Meg was some crazy J-pop techno chick with two big ass mascots hanging on her left and right. Thelma Aoyama was amazing, great voice live, funny and pretty cool. Then the final was the Funky Monkey Babys who rocked the house! Most of the people in the crowd came for the FMB and now I know why after attending my first concert with them. Funny performers who know how to rock the crowd, a little hip hop, a little rock, a little everything. They were rocking out on stage throwing towels and water bottles into the crowd. We kinda got the tickets late so we were up on the second floor, but it was pretty chill as we got seats, kinda felt like VIP. But down on the first floor was standing room only and it was packed with jumping and waving fans. Interesting in Japan how everyone waves left or right, or claps their hands above their hands in unison, you would never see that in America. But then in America fans are always hooting and hollering, but at the concert it was pretty tame with a hoot and a holler here and there. Overall a great show with the FMB and Thelma, I would for sure go again!

Sunday, June 29, 2008


photo from

One of my personal heros. Bill Gates. Down to life guy, (heck the richest man in the world doing an 60 Minutes interview at Dick's Burgers) if that isn't down to life then I don't know what is. A guy that had dreams and made them happen, didn't let people put him down, followed his own course, resurrect Apple, and could be the future philanthropy. People who say he is rich and stingy are full of bullshit and trying to put people down. This guy is out there helping people and best of all he is empowering others to join his cause in helping people around the world. There is more than Windows and Microsoft when you talk about Bill. He is the man!

Friday, June 27, 2008


Well the busy Thursday turned into the interesting Thursday. The morning smart class turned into a boxing match when one of the kids was mmm ... teasing the other kid a little too much, so a little brawl erupted. It was like having K-1 in the class. The teacher held the kids back and escorted them out, for me? It was back to the work after the kids chattered a bit. Bit different taking care of the class by myself but hey it was no problem, feel like a veteran now.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Got some dried fruit from Mr Mori. Yum! I love dried fruit and they are all the way from Vancouver. Before the English class departed for Canada I asked who was nervous, and Mr. Mori and one other student was the only one to raise their hands. So I lent Mr. Mori my About Japan book, hoping he could strike up a conversation with his host family, because its hard to just chill and not speak English for a 4 days. So Mr. Mori popped in and gave me back my book and some goodies, he smiled and said thank you, and mentioned he had a good trip. That was great news to me because I wanted the kids to have a good experience in Vancouver. Sometimes I dont know about that class, during class time they never say a word and just sit there orderly, no talking, no laughter, its like a mystery, but outside of class they are pretty cool. Just gotta keep trying and figure something out. Takeda sensei mentioned the other day, heck its a class he isn't too fond of which I was surprised to hear, but I can understand and relate to but hey yah gotta keep on trying. Its like a mystery that I need to solve, what makes students tick ... mmmm ... just one student at a time ..


Yeah thats the name of me and Dillon's Japanese basketball team, the "Traitors", funny name, maybe because its obvious the captain broke off and made his own team. Fun morning game to get in some exercise. We played a bunch of high school kids and whopped them in the end luckily. I danced around and got a point or two. Gotta work harder, been playing too much of that WOW.


I waited forever for IKEA to come to Japan. The Kobe store opened up in April, so me and Kayo and Daniel decided to check it out. Brought the wheels so we could stock up with some goods, because damn its hard to carry Ikea stuff on the train. So we followed the signs and ran into some traffic. Then more and more traffic. All the cars were going to IKEA, crazy! With two lanes of traffic we waited an hour just to get into the fuckin IKEA parking!!! Crazy Japan!! Then after parking just to get in, what do ya know, there was another line to just get in the store. The country of long lines I tell ya. All the floors were packed with people just trying to get in. We decided to go to the 5th floor to try the shorter line, and after another 30 minutes just standing outside we finally reached our destination inside IKEA! Of course it was just as crazy inside, looked like something like opening day, but it wasn't, opening day was 3 months ago, this was just a normal day. Looked like the IKEA back home, but everyone was Japanese, and there was an added bling bling cafeteria, guess to cater to the posh people and downstairs was the cheap eats including yummy hot dogs and ice cream. After wandering through the crowds finally settled on some new lamps, cookies, candles, and some other random goodies. At the end it was about 9:30pm, a long time after our 3:00 start time. Well you gotta do what you gotta do to get your IKEA goods.

Friday, June 20, 2008


that I was walking outside of class holding my notes, and they became damp instantly after I got out of the teachers room ... oh damn I can feel the humidity coming ... right on schedule, June 20th, and what you know, its raining cats and dogs this week, so the h u m i d i t y is building up, oh no!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008


The other week I finished up the mini books I made for the 2-4 English class. They were off to Vancouver for a one week trip and um, they really can't speak much English. I know how tough it is to speak a foreign language, heck I do it everyday in Japan. So I slaved hours and got the book done just in the nick of time, one day before their departure, working from 830 to 10pm is not fun, but it was nice to hang out with the guard man. Hope they are using the book in Vancouver.


NBA Champs! The Boston Celthics big 3, Pierce, Allen, and Garnett beat up Kobe and the Laker gang to win the Finals.
Mariners - GM Bavasi is fired! Finally, he sucks, ever since he got on board 4 years he got a bunch of crap players, and look at the mess now, worst in the league its good he goes.
Tiger Woods - US Open champ again, even on a busted knee, how do you stop this guy?
Supersonics - now at court, damn those Okl city bastards! to be continued ...
Hanshin TIgers - baseball in Japan, the team is hot what can I say, they can't lose

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Today at school it was busy non-stop. I was busy preparing the 2-4 class for their homestay trip to Vancouver this Friday. Have to put together a class, some homework assignment consisting of a diary and an interview. Hey you have to give the kids something to do. Then lastly trying to put together a little homestay guidebook together for the students. They don't have anything to take with them, so they are pretty much shit out of luck chillin with the host family for a couple of days without nothing to say or do, so I hope the book helps them out.

Taking a break from the crazy work I decided to grab some ice cream and a drink from the vending machine. Thats what I love about high school, you can get goodies such as ice cream or onigiri or fried chicken at anytime, yum! Deciding what to drink was tough work, so many drinks to choose from and today was a bit toasty as I could feel the humidity coming. Was saying hi to a bunch of kids, amazing how many names and faces you can meet in a year. Then came the 1st grade girls, it was .. mmm .. I forgot her name. Heck I always forget kids names, there are so many of them. So I asked her name, but she kinda got angry that I forgot, then I asked her friend what her name was, but then her friend was a bit resistant, then as time passed by more and more kids flocked toward the vending machine like a moth to a flame. I said "HI" to a bunch of 2nd and 3rd grade kids, Sugiyama, Aeri, Misia, Kiyama, and many more. Then the girl with the name I forgot asked why I knew all the other kids names but not hers. Then I laughed, um they are 2nd and 3rd grade kids, you are new. After awhile her friend finally gave in and told me her friends name was Morisawa and her name was Moriga. Of course I wouldn't let her friend get off so easy, so I butchered it of course, thats my favorite. So I asked is your name Mori? Morimoto? Morikawa? Morimori? ... after a brutal name beating I finally said her real name in relief. I just love teasing kids, of course I told them I would probably forget their name tomorrow! They ran away and laughed, but a couple hours later in the hallway I heard them complaining to Iseda sensei about how I didn't remember their names. I didn't want to miss an opportunity so I ran out and called her, "Morimori", genki morimori!!

Monday, June 02, 2008


Woke up the nice morning sunshine rays and headed out to take some pics of the baseball team. They were playing a game at the school field, I prefer to take pics there because I can take closer pics, at the stadium that is usually never the case. They won as usual, got some nice pics, and it was good to just chat with the team, met some 3rd grade students. Mr. Shun and Daisuke, I think, I am bad with names. Anyways it was good to get out and just get some pics, its been awhile. Then got back around noonish and Kayo was heating up the food or at least she thought she was until the smell of smoke poured out of the kitchen. Yikes, she wasn't warming up the pan but the Brita water filter!! As melting plastic turned into a toxic cloud all of the one window and one door was opened to clear the air. Later on in the afternoon, went out to the gym but then Dillion said um it closes at 6 not 7, shit! Then it was onto the usual dangerous place, Uniqlo. The GAP of Japan but much cheaper and just as good!! Everytime I venture in there, always something pops into my basket. My excuse today was some business short sleeves to prepare for the upcoming heat, then some inside t-shirts and a cool NY Yankee mesh shirt, usually I dont like the Yankees, but it looked to cool to pass up. Then it was off to the AEON mall to check out some things, at Joshin ran into the mother of sales for GUNDAM model, it was about 35 percent off, and it was huge, I knew my cuz Eric wanted one, so I grabbed one super size model, hope he likes it cuz its huge!! Lastly met up with Daniel for some good ole katsu at DomaDoma. Got back and chilled with some MTV Japan award show on TV, Fergie rocks!

Thursday, May 29, 2008


In Japan after your drivers license expires, you gotta renew it right away or even before the day of otherwise its a real bitch. Of course no one told me that, nor could I have read it, hahaha. But after it expired in lovely September I finally got it in May. Just a couple months later, and a lot of hassling around. Seems like after it expires, for a foreigner you can reapply if you have been out of the country for a total of 3 months since the start of your license. Luckily I qualified for that, was sweating balls at the office when the license guy was flipping through my passport and writing down all the places I went to and the dates, it was like I did something wrong. Luckily I had my Japanese model sticker from a lighter I got in Vietnam, the photo brought up a good laugh from the guy as he asked me if I liked her. In the end the guy was pretty nice and he finished up the paperwork, then a quick eye test, and a photo shoot, and the reminder to put my yellow and green rookie sticker on the back of my car at all times for a year, I finally got my license. I am good to go again!


Its raining again today, its near the start of June and its Japan's rainy season. Or what you see in Seattle everyday in the winter. The other day I swore it rained non-stop for 24hours and then some. Maybe I am not used to all that rain anymore. Well the rice paddies are filling up with water, and the frogs are out in force croaking and croaking and croaking all night long.

Sunday, May 18, 2008


this morning i played a game with my homie. thats was so much fun!
Awsome! maybe i think i will quit playing WOW, coz i dont think i have
much time to play it, i will be busy from playing that game every
day. he he

i have to go to school to get to work today, even its sunday today. What the hell! fucking suck!


The huge earthquake in China could have been detected before it happened. As many the cases humans and their technology are not the best predictor of earthquakes, you can spend millions of dollars in research and still not predict anything. Technology didn't tell us about the earthquake in China, but the animals did. Few days before the earthquake frogs were acting erratic flooding onto the streets, hours before animals at the zoo were acting abnormal. Animals have an extra sense that us humans do not have, a sense that can used to predict natural disasters. Why not have the zoo call the national disaster office?

Animal's behavior foretold disaster? by Seattle Times

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


If there was no internet I would have no news ... but since there is ESPN, Seattletimes, Yahoo, etc. all online its great!

Lets see the latest random news ...

Sonics going or leaving? Schultz is suing to get them back, I hope the Sonics stay
7.9 earthquake in China yesterday
Cyclone in Burma, but government too dumb to let in aid work
gas prices are crazy! Japan reinstated their .25 cent tax, so its like 157yen for one liter!
NBA playoffs, Boston and Cleveland tied at 2-2
Microsoft ditched out on the purchase of Yahoo, good idea i thought
Mariners suck this year, projected first, but really last
Hanshin Tigers baseball team is in 1st and killing everyone with a .710 winning record!
Mmmm... just started watching "Heros" season 1, I think I am a bit behind a couple of years, but hey its really good!!
Conan O Brien taking over for Jay Leno and Jimmy Fallon taking over Conan's spot ... wow saw Jimmy at the UW


Today woke up and it was a nice sunny morning, hopped on my bike with my t-shirt and all. Then came the clouds, and more clouds, then came the rain, and it got cold. My t-shirt fashion didn't look so good anymore. It was pouring cats and dogs, next time I will have to remember to bring a raincoat or something. Just chilled around school a bit, saw the baseball kids studying hard for the upcoming mid-term tests. Thought I would poke my head in and bother them a bit, quizzed Mr. Ota and Mr. Shiroi, they got most of the words right, pretty good. Made my rounds and went over to the 3rd grade kids, I don't teach em but they know me and I know them a little. Funny bunch, always talking about muscles, wanna see the muscles. Talked to Mr. All-Star pitcher Sato a bit, nice kid. He is gonna be a future pro pitcher for sure. Coach Hirano was funny as he came around and told me, "He is baka" which translates to "He is stupid", haha. But I know the kids all try their best. After that I just jacked a umbrella from the custodian room, gotta get a good one of course for the ride back home in the rain.


Yesterday took the day off to go to Akashi to renew my license. Seems like the rules in Japan are much different than America. I was under the impression that you could renew your license anytime after it expired. In Japan there are different things you have to do depending on how long your license has been expired. If a person renewed the license before the ending date then it would be as easy as going to the local police station. But if it was after 6 months you would have to take the ridiculous paper test of 100 questions again. Being a foreigner I tried to weasel out of that, luckily the guy at the license office helped me out by telling me to go through the foreigner office, there I could simply resubmit my license. Lucky that, will have to head back next week, let you know how things go.

Friday, May 02, 2008


Its Friday! And its the start of the 4 day weekend. Its called Golden Week, but its random days off, but heck I will take any day off. Most of Japan is out and about as its a holiday for everyone, except for the poor kids at school which have tournaments and sports games during the so called holidays. Its the Japanese way, kids don't need holidays. The Tokyo peeps are coming for a visit, Taro, and the newlyweds Masa and Tomo. Then also with a special guest appearance of Hawaii Daniel, WOW! He is back in Japan! Cool, it be cool to see Daniel again. School is going good, no big issues yet, just busy as a bee, one again, a daily daily blog is in the works. Sorry for the super late update.

Friday, March 21, 2008


@ スシロー

Holy smokes! 100yen sushi!! my favorite cheap place to eat SushiRoll just got better as this week they had a special on "daitoro" or basically big fatty ass tuna. Usually this tuna is pretty bling I would say from 700yen a piece and up, but today it was only 105yen! yeah baby! chomped down on 7 plates. Just checking out the sushi parade as it rooooolllllls by. A limited 10 day special the customers were wall to wall, crazy for sushi.

@ スシロー

sushi parade!!!

@ スシロー

Kayo loves sushi too

@ スシロー

my lovely damage and of course being American I gotta have my Coke

@ スシロー

check out that fine piece of fish on the far right "大とろ" only 105yen !! For only 10 days, better get your eat on!

Friday, March 14, 2008


Been in Japan for awhile, even just today Dillon mentioned St. Patricks day is coming up. I don't even remember when St. Patrick's day is, I only know about the Japanese holiday of White Day which lands on the 14th. aka the 2nd Valentine's day where boys give girls chocolate and candy and stuff. Plus one time I was eating broccoli and it sounded usual to add mayonnaise to it. But then I thought is that normal back home? I know we put cheese on it, but mayonnaise? Maybe I been here too long and I don't remember. Heck everything has mayonnaise on it and I think I am getting used to it. Yum, fried chicken and mayonnaise sounds good, but still on pizza its pretty darn gross.


Today noticed the yen was down to 100.55yen versus the dollar. Which is the all time low ever since I have been here! What does it mean? It means good news for me, its finally down dollar for dollar, its much better than 120 or 115. Its just like the Canadian loonie, we in business baby!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008


Some random events the past two weeks ...

- Rolled by lil Shu on my bike on my way to school in the morning. He asked if he passed my oral English class. I said probably. He was a bit worried being on the border. Then he went on saying it was kinda easy this time. I said, "yup, lucky!" then lil Shu replied, "thank you!"

- The other week stopped by the gym at school to see the bball boys, then my boy Mr. Nakata came up to me and said one on one. Mmmm .. Nakata is probably the Allen Iverson of our school team, but I said what the heck. Of course he whooped my ass, quick little bastard. Then to try to recover my pride I challenged him to a game of free throws, best to 10. But damn he matched me basket for basket, then came sudden death. Then damn I lost again, ha ha ha. It was fun.

- Its test time, and its been CRAZY! Had to give tests to all the 1st grade students, thats 12 class times 40 or so students, which equates to alot of fuckin tests to correct!!! Lucky there is Teranishi Sensei, my favorite guy at school, he is so nice to always help me out, probably my life saver. Even the other teacher Noma Sensei said oh did you finish correcting all the tests yet after one day? I laughed and so did Teranishi Sensei, who the hell can finish all those tests??? Then I asked him if he could help, of course he bailed and said he had other tests to do, whatever lazy foos.

- Damn I gotta input all those damn grades!!

- For the 2-4 class, luckily Mr. Miyahara Sensei is helping me out there. He is only a part time teacher and only about 70 years old but still genki and active! Plays golf like a young man every week. A good guy retiring this year, got him a nice black Nike Golf jacket for his retirement present. Nice guy, I like him. He even helped out to do all the grading for the 2-4 class. Nice!

- Well its a lot of fucking tests to correct, been trying to pace myself and relax, had a hard week last week preparing for the tests. Once in awhile I still think about Miyamoto Sensei. Even the teachers talk about him to me, slowly the memories come out. Sometimes I get some chest pains like I used to back in the days. I think its probably because of the death of Miyamoto Sensei and all this test stuff, so I have been trying to take it easy lately. Maybe I will check out a doctor over spring break.

- Snows been good this year. Went up 3 times this year. Brought some new rookies to the slope so they could feel the pain. Pretty good job, Dillon and Masa learned pretty fast, I think they can be pro in no time. As for Kayo we got her the finest state of the art snowboarding equipment in addition to the shortest legal board available, sometimes it looks as if she is riding a skateboard. A master of the leaf style. Next stop is the turn.

- Before the 2-4 test I asked the kids if they needed some help, but no one showed up. So I tracked them down. This isn't exactly the most diligent class but they got potential, they just need some help here and there. Tracked down Jimi and made him memorize a bunch of sentences. He did remarkably well, he went from a low score of 28 on the previous test to 49 on this past test. Pretty good I thought! Its a good start, because the average of this last test was 47, so he was a little over the hump. He is a good kid and Mr Miyamoto always looked after him. I will do my best to take care of him, I think he can do it.

- Lastly I was just chatting with the boys and girls bball team members. They are a funny bunch. Imade, Shuhei, Jun, and Saki. I was just clowning with them, teaching them about nicknames for body parts, trying to spice up school life. Then I remember the news that Jun is going to carry the sign for the baseball team at Koshien. So she is going to be on every TV and newspaper in the country. So I was just clowning with her about how the camera paparazzi will be after her and made some funny cameraman gestures, of course the boys were cracking up. Hahahaha. Can't wait til Koshien.

Thursday, February 28, 2008


Been super, super, super busy lately. Getting off around 7pm ish. Usually I roll in lazily around 835, so that equates to just under 11 hours a day at work. Bummer, I don't want stay at work that long, but just been trying to be a good teacher and get all the classes ready for the Friday test. Sometimes it doesn't feel like work, then again I don't like to be trapped in a cement building all day, I want to go out and play. Oh well its for the kids! Even stayed after a bit today to help out the 2-4 class. They were surprised that they have to write sentences now. So I worked with the four youngins that were still hanging out, Misa, Yuki, Ta, and Jimi. Jimi is a great kid, but damn his English sucks, its the most random stuff you will ever hear, but I give him an "A" for heart and effort. He wants to learn, but just doesn't know a good method for him. Usually Mr Miyamoto always takes care of Jimi, but he isn't around anymore, so I thought I would help out. With some paper and my jumbled Japanese I got Jimi to amazingly put together some sentences. Going with the drill work and having him think of "easy" English he could amazingly do it after some work. He was putting together sentence after sentence just as if a miracle happened. This is the kid who had the lowest score on the previous test. I hope Jimi can buck that negative trend on tomorrows test!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


So the other day I was reading that article about being happy. Honestly I am kinda bummed out today, but I will try my best and write 5 happy things that happened today.

1. Finished making the 2-4 class worksheet. I made a map of Himeji city including the cast members from the Japanese TV show called "Ainori", complete with member pics and convience stores, looked kinda smooth I thought, took a couple hours to make but it was fun, the kids had a good laugh when they saw it, but mmm .. didn't answer the questions. Maybe it was a little too tough, back to the drawing board.

2. Was asking daily questions in 2-4 class and I asked Sonoyama what she had for lunch. She looked toward her classmates for a bit and then said, "I love you", a bit shocked, I gave one of my funny oh my god looks for fun. Her classmates probably got her to say it, but anyways its always nice to have someone say "I love you", ha ha ha.

3. Mmmm ... nothing too major at the number 3 spot, so I decided to choose lunch. There are always two main choices for lunch and I am happy I picked the fried mince meat set, it was pretty darn delicious!

4. Today I taught the 1-12 class, the smart kids, only two more lessons before the test I was in super speed mode because all quarter they were doing speeches. Zoomed through lesson 9, thought I did a pretty good job knowing that usually it takes 3-4 lessons with the other classes. Went pretty smoothly, I was pretty happy with a good class.

5. Mmmm... getting tough at the end ... it was busy at work today, didn't get off til 630pm ish and headed to the supermarket "MaxValue", I knew I only had about 20 bucks and was cutting it close with the groceries, went a bit over my budget and had to get rid of some stuff. Lucky the clerk understood what I was talking about, whew! It's always embarrassing to go over in any country.

Well that was the 5 good things, I would be a liar if I didn't say I was a bit bummed today. Got off work a bit late and didn't finish all my work, desk looks like a war zone, don't think I can go to Japanese class cuz I got too much work to do. Got home and just chilled in front of the comp and read some news, wanted to hit the gym but no time so just pumped iron at home and drank beer. It would be nice to just pick up the phone and talk to one of my friends from back home, Amy, Ark, Ace, Jimmy, Ben ... But the time difference and stuff, and everyones busy. Sometimes you just gotta learn how to take care of yourself. Its tough and even tougher when your teacher and friend passes away. When things aren't always looking up and things come up ... You just have to learn how get through.


Drinking beer and working out at home is a dangerous combo! "We are here to, pump you up!"

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Sometimes I pop up the Yahoo video and check out some 60 Minutes, I love news programs, I miss watching 20/20 and those other shows from back home, lucky there is the internet even though its a short clip. Here is the latest cool feeds, the decline of tuna and the meaning of happiness, a definite interesting look. I am always chilling but I put in my work when I need to, and hey who doesn't want to be happy? Check out the key to happiness presented by Harvard professor Tal Ben Shahar, the 60 Minute video special or his website.

Six simple steps to be happy in life ... as presented by Tal Ben-Shahar ...

1. Give yourself permission to be human. When we
accept emotions — such as fear, sadness, or anxiety — as natural, we
are more likely to overcome them. Rejecting our emotions, positive or
negative, leads to frustration and unhappiness.

2. Happiness lies at the intersection between
pleasure and meaning. Whether at work or at home, the goal is to engage
in activities that are both personally significant and enjoyable. When
this is not feasible, make sure you have happiness boosters, moments
throughout the week that provide you with both pleasure and meaning.

3. Keep in mind that happiness is mostly
dependent on our state of mind, not on our status or the state of our
bank account. Barring extreme circumstances, our level of well being is
determined by what we choose to focus on (the full or the empty part of
the glass) and by our interpretation of external events. For example,
do we view failure as catastrophic, or do we see it as a learning

4. Simplify! We are, generally, too busy, trying
to squeeze in more and more activities into less and less time.
Quantity influences quality, and we compromise on our happiness by
trying to do too much.

5. Remember the mind-body connection. What we do
— or don't do — with our bodies influences our mind. Regular exercise,
adequate sleep, and healthy eating habits lead to both physical and
mental health.

6. Express gratitude, whenever possible. We too
often take our lives for granted. Learn to appreciate and savor the
wonderful things in life, from people to food, from nature to a smile.

Monday, February 18, 2008


Classes were alright, winding down the school year, just two more weeks until the final tests, the 1-11 class wrapped up their speeches, most students did pretty good. I think most students never did a speech before in English from memory. A big differance compared to Kobu Jr High where the kids starting in 2nd grade made speeches from memory. Non less very good. Todays homeroom period was dedicated to cheering practice. So all the 1st graders and 2nd graders huddled into the gym to learn how to cheer the baseball team for their big appearance at Koshien next month on the 22nd.

Study kanji a bit on my free time. Chatted a bit with Harada sensei about Miyamoto sensei, still hurts to talk about his death even for the teachers, I feel for the teachers and students. I always glance over at Miyamoto's desk and know he is not with us. Then going to the teachers lounge room is also tough for me, cuz thats where I always used to sit and chat with Miyamoto sensei, that was the last place we met. I always come into the room all empty expecting to meet him, but then I realize he is not there. Its always a sad emptiness to enter that room.

In the late afternoon, I hit the weights in the gym. Its kinda my new routine since I can't make it to the regular gym in Tatsuno, so the machine weights will have to do for now, but they aren't bad. Ran into the karate kids, Ohashi, Kawanishi, and Inoue, nice kids, they were Miyamoto sensei's karate members, feel bad for them, saw how sad they were at the funeral. Just had a little chat with them, always giving shit to Ohashi because he is huge for a high school kid and the only one that beat me at arm wrestling at school, damn gotta work those guns harder.

After pumping iron ran into the soccer kids, crazy bunch. They brought me over and shouted out "KY" which means "kouki yomanai" or you can't read the air or you don't understand what I am saying. So I taught them the what KY means in English. They were like "oooohhhhhh". Then we exchanged more words, learned that "deep kiss, aka french kiss" means "noride" or I hope thats what it means, I will have to double check that. Anyways good day at school.


Been talking to Jimmy via email, Jimmy booked his flight and will be in Japan next month, pretty pumped to see my buddy in Nippon.

On the side, just some thoughts about daily life in Japan ... just like Utada Hikaru "Easy Breezy"
.... "You're easy breezy and I'm Japanesey"

- drink green tea everyday at work
- always have two pairs of shoes at work, one to change into before entering the gym, another pair for class
- carry a hand towel in my pocket
- use B5 size paper, not A4 paper
- shop at the 100 yen store
- carry lots of cash (200-500 bucks at a time), no debit card here
- ride a nice grandma bike with a basket in front

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Oh no, news reports say that Polaroid is closing their instant camera group, how am I gonna get my Polaroid film? I hope another company buys out their division.


Me and the gang ventured out to Kobe's chinatown to check out the Chinese celebration. Nankinmachi the name of the chinatown was packed full of visitors and had the traditional lion dances bringing good fortune to all. Since it was New Years we decided to hit up some Chinese food, not bad but not as good as the real Chinese food from back home and not as cheap either! Heck its Japan, even Dillon tried to use some of his Chinese skills, but the cute waitress kindly escaped by saying she could only speak Japanese. Making our way back to the station we ran into the Jumbo karaoke. Bad news as of course we gotta get a round in, and a round is never alcohol free, so we got our usual whiskey and coke. It was kinda a big bottle and I thought me and Dillon would only get down half way, but we finished the whole thing via train and lastly in the parking lot. Oh that was bad news, lets say lucky I had the next day off. Happy Chinese New Year!!

Friday, February 08, 2008


Some interesting reads ...

If you get hit by a bus tomorrow... CNN ... what to do when you get in a accident

Heart disease myths busted ... ABC News ... how well do you know about heart disease


This morning I came in a little late as usual to the staff room, but something was a little odd. There was somber mood in the air, then in the discussion I heard Miyamoto sensei's name, and I looked over at his desk and I didn't see him there. The talk continued and it sounded as if he died? But I thought that couldn't be true, he was always happy, people don't just die. But to my horror it was true after some teachers and staff came up to me and told me the bad news. He passed away just last night, due to a heart attack I was told. How sad it was, Miyamoto sensei was an English teacher and I always talked to him, he was always cheerful and we always talked about food and students. I knew he loved his job and his students, he was always looking out for them. I teach his homeroom and he always hints to me to help their grade a bit, ya know, just for university he said. He always used big words and funny phrases and always worked hard at everything. He had a full plate at work, I don't know how he balanced it with his home life. At school he was a homeroom teacher for the special English class, always keeping his students in check, he coached karate and was always proud of his student being the best in the Kansai area, I remember him trying to figure out how to use the video camera just to video his students. Then during the cultural festival he was always busy running around with his students, I remember helping him take down the photos of the kids trip to Australia. We always chatted about catching a drink or seeing the baseball game together, but he was always so busy we never got around to it. He didn't say much sometimes, but you could tell by his actions that he cared about what he did for his students. I remember talking to him just the other day in the sofa room, he came in a bit tired, I knew he just came back to school after a bout of the flu. He was massaging his back with a long rod, I asked him you've been gone for a bit are you alright? He responded that he just got over the flu, and it was the first time ever to get the flu, and it was the first time ever in 30 years to miss work, he was the ironman just like Cal Ripken Jr., he was always there, always first at school and last at school. He told me he was stressed about being the meeting chairman, he had to chair the upcoming meeting about the big entrance exam for the junior high students to be held this weekend. He was stressed that he didn't know what to do. I thought he could do it, so I just told him to just relax and everything would be ok, and just do it. I was thinking of giving him some advice on how to conduct the meeting but I was hesitant because sometimes I feel funny telling older people what to do. Later on we chatted a little more about work, but then I wished I had a time machine to go back and chat with him more, to know he was ok, to know if I could have helped him. But I don't, only Doraemon has a time machine, and life goes on. Miyamoto sensei was always so kind to leave me some goodies in a bag under my desk. Randomly when I arrived at school I would find a treat of beer and sake and other goodies courtesy of Miyamoto, he said it was just a little thanks for helping him out. I was looking to repay the favor, looking for some fine sake to give to him, but I was a little too late. I felt bad I couldn't have given him his sake. At school the teachers were in shock, a moment of silence was given to Miyamoto sensei during homeroom. Talked to some teachers a bit, but everyone deals with death in their own way, plus the cultural barrier, sometimes I was at a lost of what to do. I just remembered some of the photos I took of Miyamoto and his students, and collected a few last ones as I walked by his homeroom. His desk was decorated with flowers, the table top clean with books filled up high. I always remembered his glasses, suit, and Zippo slippers, and the notepad he carried in his pocket. He was a busy man and always checked his schedule with his notebook. Even going to the cafeteria today the cafeteria ladies asked about who died today, I gave them Miyamoto's description and the replied with a sad awww , they called him the udon man. Udon was a favorite of Miyamoto sensei, I will miss those times talking to him over lunch. He always looked out for me from day one, he gave me his number and said if I ever get into any trouble to contact him, he said he knew some tough people in the city, tough as in karate masters and yakuza which are always good friends to have anywhere. Anyways there is so much more to say, but I will leave it as is .... Miyamoto sensei I will miss you, your laugh, your smile, your kindness, you can't be replaced, you will always be in my heart, I'll do my best to help your students because I know thats what you cared about most ...take care, til we meet again someday in another time ... may you be happy wherever you are ..

Monday, February 04, 2008


Finally hit the slopes this year after a year absence. Sure did feel good, after I figured out how to use my new damn Flow bindings, not bad feels a lot better than the old skool style, just took some time getting used to it. Headed out to Banshu Tokura with Kayo via bus for a whopping 5000yen, about 50 bucks. Not bad of a deal since it included a 2 hour bus ride, lift ticket, and free lunch. I am too lazy to drive and damn gas is expensive now a days! Snow was nice, it was holding up and the weather was not too cold. Just cold enough to have the "yukidaruma matsuri" snowman making contest. On the kiddie slop, there was a big blow up dog, with kids in full force, looks like a elementary school set base there. The resort was super small as it had a whopping 3 lifts, kinda like Snoqualmie but 1/2 the size, but it got the job done as I was playing snowboard instructor for the day as poor Kayo was learning the ropes of snowboarding or maybe it was falling and falling and falling. I remember those times! But she did good, just like all those other people I brutally trained. Its a boot camp and if you want to learn how to snowboard you have to feel the pain, ha ha ha .. no pain no snowboard! Hopefully back to the slopes next week for more snowboard boot camp!

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