Monday, July 14, 2008


Um, its FUCKIN HOT!!! Nice to come home and your apartment is 37 degrees C , translation 98.6 F!!! HOT!!! Then the nice days are filled with 32 C aka 89.6 F, with a full 100 percent humidity! Try working while sweat drips down your head, its great! Anyways can't wait to go back to Seattle next week! Yipee! no more sweating!!

Monday, July 07, 2008


looks like danger


ブリタとレンジ=火事と煙 When the Brita meets the stove.

Friday, July 04, 2008



I miss the fireworks on Lake Union. Haven't seen fireworks in Seattle for 5 or 6 years!! Japan has fireworks but its not the same. It's not a loud boom 15-20 minute free for all like in America, but the benefits of a Japanese firework show is that it usually lasts from 40minutes to one hour. A whole day of festivities including a lot of drinking and eating. It's pretty cool and unique at the same time, plus there is a firework show every weekend throughout the summer. Not just one day, but day after day of fireworks so you have time to visit them all if you really wanted.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008


Get your towels! Definetly a CRAZY good concert!! Funky Monkey Babys was the main act followed up by Thelma Aoyama and Satomi and Meg. Satomi was alright, hip hop and dancing but regular. Meg was some crazy J-pop techno chick with two big ass mascots hanging on her left and right. Thelma Aoyama was amazing, great voice live, funny and pretty cool. Then the final was the Funky Monkey Babys who rocked the house! Most of the people in the crowd came for the FMB and now I know why after attending my first concert with them. Funny performers who know how to rock the crowd, a little hip hop, a little rock, a little everything. They were rocking out on stage throwing towels and water bottles into the crowd. We kinda got the tickets late so we were up on the second floor, but it was pretty chill as we got seats, kinda felt like VIP. But down on the first floor was standing room only and it was packed with jumping and waving fans. Interesting in Japan how everyone waves left or right, or claps their hands above their hands in unison, you would never see that in America. But then in America fans are always hooting and hollering, but at the concert it was pretty tame with a hoot and a holler here and there. Overall a great show with the FMB and Thelma, I would for sure go again!