Thursday, May 28, 2009




変なバーがー!!何が楽しいん? バーがーの間中はなかなったん!それはボッタクリ!!





Wednesday, May 27, 2009


No school for one week because of swine flu. All schools in Hyogo and Osaka are closed. Elementary, Junior High, Senior High, thats about 1200000 students.


Hans and Frans would be happy to see their name on the sign. "We want to pump you up!"


Hyogo prefrecture governor Toshizo Ito, 兵庫県の知事井戸敏三 makes his speech to the crowd of private high school teachers and principals. Its election year so the big politicians gather everyone to talk about the future of education or was it to collect votes? Anyways the cool thing the governor is from Tatsuno, Shingu where I used to live, and his birthday is August 10th, Leo just like me.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


The swine flu has arrived in Japan, masks are sold out, school is closed. Japan is probably the most country most used to wearing masks either for allergy season, or in winter the common cold season. So it kinda looks like a normal day.

On the side note i havent updated my blog for ages. Well I have been crazy busy. But with the swine flu going around, school has been closed for a week, good news there, so I can play with my blog and photos. The bad news, gotta make it up in the HOT HUMID summer, fuck. I would rather teach classes now. Oh well. Kids, they got no school, no juku, nothing to do, they just chillin all over town. Its kinda funny. The flu thing has been taking way overboard. Nobody has died, its just as serious as the common flu, which isn't all that bad. Japanese wear masks on a regular basis, kinda looks like a normal day with all the masks. Only thing is at the store they are all sold out. And then you got your Moss Burger workers and every other store workers wearing masks, kinda funny.