Saturday, April 16, 2005


Every year there seems to be a new crop of kids that add new special english words to their vocab. And of course, they like to share with me their new found vocab. Words such as "sex", "fuck", and "masturbate", "penis" are the tops on the lists. Coupled with great phrases such as "do you play sex?" "do you have sex?" "he has small penis" "big penis". Then there is the japanese naughty words that i dont quite know, in todays class the boys were saying some word that i didnt quite know in japanese, but i am pretty sure it referred to some sexual body part. And to confirm that, on todays lesson they even had the opportunity to draw and make their own sentence. So it went something like this when i looked on their paper. "Have you eaten obuke?" ... and nicely drawn next to it was a picture of what i would presume would be a vagina. Oh those naughty boys. Then not to be outdone of course they gotta gesture to the body part they are talking about. Oh thanks. .... and that was some of the regular kids, and when i got to the soccer boys, that just opened a whole new world ... Reportedly when i talked to one of them in the fall, he told me he had 6 videos, and i am not talking about Nemo. So i had to check on his collection and see how many he had now. Looks like he been busy, cuz he got 12 now, and even some in DVD, wow! He was even generous to even let me borrow one if i wanted, oh my. So after the soccer boys i ventured out to the tennis team to see how they were doing, but looks like i couldnt escape the NERDS, one boy greated me with a middle finger and then proceeded to hump the air in a pumping motion. Of course i have seen this mating dance before by many a past students, and shouted, "nice gesture!" and laughed. Looks like another year with the revenge of the nerds.

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