Thursday, June 30, 2005


Got a ride early in the morning to Seatac airport from AcEva. Its nice to get to the airport within 45 minutes or so compared to 2-3 hours if i was in japan. Seatac airport has gone over some major changes over the past year, new food court, new stores, very nice and about time. When i got to Vancouver for the big plane ride, i was in luck as a mother and son were sitting in a single seat, so they moved and i was graciously given two seats to myself, what a great flight, even got in some good sleep! Got into Kansai airport all refreshed, even flew through immigration. The great thing about having residency in Japan is that i can choose the Japanese line or the foreigner line, so whatever line is shorter i just hop in. Sure beats waiting 45 minutes. Got a breath of the outside air, and it was HOT, hot damn. The air was heavy and wet, humid, damn i miss my rainy, cloudy, cool Seattle weather already. Time to buy more of those polypro shirts.

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