Tuesday, November 29, 2005


First of all i must take note of my elementary school schdeule. Couple of weeks ago they swapped the days between two of my schools. I wrote it down, but of course i lost that piece of paper. I thought that those dates would be coming up later in the month or even next month, so i just decided to go to the school on the regular schedule. Before i left i called my teacher to double check, but he didnt answer, so off i went on the mama cherry to tatsuno elem.

When i got there, oh boy were they shocked! So immediately in my mind i was like "fuck" today is the day of the schedule changed. They were like we changed the schedule. Um ... yes thats right ... nice to meet you all, goodbye! Well had them call up my other school to tell em ya i was coming. My teachers thought it was funny as they were telling me that i didnt have to go to the gym today, because i would do all my training on my bicycle today. So off i went, lucky the schools arent too far, just about a 15 minute ride, lucky today was a nice sunny day! Took my time, enjoyed the ride, no stress, felt a bit funny, but when i rolled into the other school it was all good.

Sunday, November 27, 2005


Got home today and finally bought the vaccum cleaner bag replacement, of course only after 2 years!!! Shit, was the bag full, but hot damn, the vaccum works like a champ now!

Thursday, November 24, 2005


Well a day or two early, but heck we are a day ahead over here. Anyways a great Thanksgiving dinner, i think its been two years or so since i have had turkey! Oh my gosh, but damn it always tastes good. It twas a rare dinner, full course with the works, corn, bread, stuffing, potato, pumpkin, gravy, salad, cake, ice cream, turkey, and tons more, and even tacos too! Great price, only about 30 bucks, heck i would have even paid more. They dont really got turkey here in japan so it was kind of the chef to make such a special meal for everyone, it was her first time and it tasted great. It was a yummy dinner, got stuffed, burp! Hope everyone has a good turkey day back home.

oishii so!

a meal fit for a king, or just a bunch of hungry foreigners and japanese

dont worry, its going to taste good

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Another new Xbox, another new ebay battle, think i seen it going for around $1000 for the thing, wow!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


I have read the news a many a times and have heard about suicides where people just jump into oncoming trains. I have always been afraid of getting to close to the tracks, as heck you could slip or fall in, or a speedy one can actually make a gust of wind to pull u in. But guess the other day reality struck a little too close.

We were waiting for the train on the platform just like any ordinary day. Train coming on the opposite track, heading at a high speed, looks like an express that is going to cruise through, honking its horn to signal people. Everyone backs off on the opposite platform. But there is a lone figure at the end, away from the crowd. Then i see that figure, a black jacket just slowly collapse into the tracks. The train i know is coming, i see the figure and know its too late, i turn my head to escape reality for that second. I wish it were all a dream, but i know its too real. I tell my friends not to look and usher them into a corner, away from the pain. There is no sound, but i know its over. Looking to my right i know the expressions on all the people's faces that its not all right. Gaping mouths, mouths covered by hands, eyes wide open. But there is no yelling or screaming, or loud commotion as in america. This is japan, shock is a bit different, not that its bad, just different, its their own way. I see the people, its as if its a silent movie. A whisper here and there comes out, i hear a lady saying its ok, but i know its not ok. I tell myself and my friends not to look as i know it would be painful. But i look anyway, i am curious, its my nature. First i glance at the point where i last saw the person, expecting something more, i was only left with the sight of bright pink, purple bag, smack in the middle of the tracks. Thinking where else to look, i quickly glanced down the track. Maybe a couple hundred yards down. There were JR workers jumping into the tracks, as they jumped, my eyes jumped on them and followed their path towards the victim. It was a shadowy figure laying there on the tracks. Still as a stone, but i knew it didnt belong there. Just past that point a couple more yards down the train was parked, just past the body. JR workers hurried like police or paramedics but i knew they could do nothing, and also knew nothing. As if they had done it before, they swopped down with giant green bags, to cover or carry away things i dont know, nor really did care. It was over and thats all i remember, the memory still fresh and may never go away. But it made me think about my friends in the past who passed away. And how life is strange but it goes on. Makes you appreciate life a bit more, how delicate it is, how time is precious, how family and friends is precious. As time ticks, or how the sand dwindles, you must learn to appreciate your short time on this earth. Later on we made it to the temple, i made a short prayer for that person. Hoping that they went to a better place. A place where they can be at peace, maybe where my friends are at. peace ...

Thursday, November 17, 2005


Eva, Elaine, Cheryl has arrived in Japan. Time for the giggles and adventures to begin.

Thursday, November 10, 2005


I gotta have a shower with at least two shower heads or more. What can i say i love nice hot showers, especially when its cold like now. Just sitting in there and relaxing, its the best, its like "calgon take me away" ...

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Had time afterschool to just relax and chill, so decided to walk around and take some shots, here are some pics ... enjoy


ah no uniform!

sneaker dryin

fresh bikes

cute dog

green orange


fire hydrant below



3 boys from elementary

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Gwen Stefani ... harajuku girls (props to tokyo), cool, serious, the real thing (bonus) ... oh and Eye of the TIger all weekend ...


Just want to give a shout out to my bank of america back home. You FUCKIN suck! Fees, fees, fees, by the time i send some money home you take out a bitch load, then i am left with pennies. Damn i should have opened a BECU account when i was home, damn. Have a nice day!


... teaching would be easy ... actually i never heard that before, had one bitchy class today, it cool if they want to complain about the class, its ok, they said it was too easy because i made it just like my elem class, well hell, i can up the level ... muhhhhaaa ... next lesson, translate this page, bizach ... see how fun that is ...


Well no snow here, but back home there is! Damn, Crystal is already open and its not even Thanksgiving. Thanks for the update Amy.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Alright didnt really go out or do anything special for halloween, but i will share with you my halloween that i had with my kids, i guess thats my own halloween party. Ah, and hot damn, do kids love costumes here? of course!!! its like a boxing match at times, especially with the little ones .. anyways, tried to get the creative juices goin this year and here is what came out ... 1-2 grade kids were doing numbers, but heck why not smack some numbers in costumes! kids were all over that then followed things up with some halloween fruit basket game, call your card (witch) and ya gotta run and change seats ... 3-4 grade kids, they were learning days and numbers, but hey thats boring, so why not have a costume race, i say "ghost" and the kids are off in pairs, first they gotta put on a costume, pick up a big hammer, then whack the card that has the ghost picture, first one to get the correct one wins! ... then there was the 5-6 grade kids, they have been doing directions in the previous lessons, so heck why not put it to good use. Got em into groups, two unlucky students got eye masks put on them, then secretly i picked out some random costumes that they couldnt see ... ha ha .. the whole class was laughing and rolling ... even i had to pause sometimes .. ha ha .. then they were thrown into the obstacle course to reach the infamous Doreamon toy, guided by their classmates using the instructions of turn left, turn right, go straight, stop, etc it was quite fun ... of course some instructors were better than others, the bruises on the knees can be proof of that ... alot of crashing and burning and lots of fun !!! i just love it when crazy things work! it was a one of my favorite halloweens and i wasnt even trick or treating ... enjoy the pics

trick or treat

the girls hanging out

monguchi and ueda's rockin class

oh shit another crazy idea, halloween costume relay races!

lets learn numbers with the hamster

the chair and pillow knee eating markane obstacle course

get those numbers

ms HG teacher

hamster down

funny boys

the great kiyoku class

the kids choose their mystery halloween bags

where is that doraemon?

yeah thats me doing some ghetto video work