Thursday, December 06, 2007


AUTUMN - Lets see, near the end of the month the autumn leaves changed, a pretty nice sight versus the PacificNW evergreen trees, but then again I probably didn't notice it so much. Maybe its the Japanese season changing mania that has drawn me to the changing of the leaves.

SICK N COLD - Then there was that dreaded Japanese cold that I picked up, which lasted for two weeks, and bingo just got a new one just in time, back home I never got sick, arrrgggh. Mmmm... its been getting much colder, actually had to start using the heater lately and bundling up, can't just hop in my car, gotta hop on my bike with a scarf and some gloves.

GRAD SCHOOL - Recently been MIA at many things, such as club activities, traveling and my fav going to the gym. Applying to grad school for a MATESOL at the UW. Have to get my apps together and take my GRE this sunday. How lovely, gotta study for this dumb test, I would rather study Japanese, the kanji make more sense than words like "alacrity". Oh well wish me luck.

POKER - When the GRE and apps finally finish its time to play some poker! Even ordered some poker chips off Yahoo Auctions, yipee!

SCHOOL - Everything still going good at school, kids are good, well sometimes. Today was test day, aka students hell week, 5 days of straight tests! can you believe that? each day they got about 3 subjects to take. Totally sucks, sucks for me too because I have to make 4 different tests and grade 14 classes. Mmmm ... 14 x 40 = about 560 tests!!! Not fun at all, where are all those lazy days at my other schools where I didn't have to make or grade any tests. With my class being the Oral Communication class I had to hop on the broadcast system for the kids in the 10 classes to do their listening test. Kinda funny as we have to do a test broadcast and the teachers in the building across have to signal with a big circle over their head. Then I had to do my test over the broadcast system for about 10 minutes, run to 1-9 class, then 1-10, whew, busy day. Lucky at the end super Teranishi sensei was nice enough to help me out, I think we hammered out a good portion as we graded from 1 - 5pm. Great guy!