Thursday, July 27, 2006


Time is winding down. Just a couple more days and I am out of Tatsuno. In a mad dash I was looking for a job somewhere! Almost anywhere in Japan! So went out to Osaka for some interviews. I have been to Osaka alot of times, but I guess I start to notice more things when I have lived here awhile.

1. First of all its crazy! Compared to the laid back life of the "inaka" or country side, everyone in Osaka is running around. Running for the train, running in the halls, running through the streets. Why everyone gotta be all stressed and rushed? Makes me feel stressed, I don't remember anyone in Seattle running around all crazy.
2. Running errands takes alot of time! Bigger city, more places, but then everything is far away. Gotta take the train here for the interview, then gotta go back here for the hotel, then gotta go here for immigration. I spent like half the day on the train. Sucks! Back in the "inaka", tax office next door, city hall down the street, gym a 5 minute bike ride, school and food a stone throw away. More time to relax and play video games, thats how life should be. You don't want to spend your life on a stupid train.
3. Green. The reason why I like Seattle is because it's green. It's a city but it's nice, green, got mountains, lakes, ocean, you name it its got it. Then there was the day in Osaka. Osaka got lots of people, running people. Its got alot of concrete and it's flat with no mountains, and most of all there is not a shred of green. It's the classic concrete jungle they all talk about. There is no green and thats not cool. Take note, not to live there.

Anyways life is a bit crazy, Monday figure out the final decision of the VISA thing. Visa kinda expired today, but luckily got it worked out, so I got an extension.... to be continued ...

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Some last scenes from my apartment. It's in the cleaning stages, but it will be ready when you move in Laurence.

tatami room

washing machine and bathroom



Sunday, July 23, 2006


Been super busy lately with everything, moving, end of school, speeches, meeting people, cleaning, organizing, this is the same feeling I had when I was leaving Seattle, but now it's Japan ... updates coming soon ... in the meanwhile it's "raining cats and dogs", "どしゃぶり, doshaburi", rainiest month I have ever seen, looks like a Seattle winter!

Saturday, July 15, 2006


Just wanted to bitch about the weather again today, well it was sunny, but damn when the air is hot and thick thats not cool. Well is my cool pacific northwest breeze. Here was the weather report from today. I also kindly commented on some key points.

Mostly Cloudy
Feels Like:
106° <-- anything over 3 digits is bad news!!
29.83 in and steady <-- I still don't know what barometer is
59% <-- I think their meter is broken, because after 1 minute you gotta take a shower
WSW 8 mph <-- It should read HOT wind blowing at 8 mph
4:59 am <-- That's right 5am baby, wake up yo early ass
7:15 pm <-- Due to lack of daylight savings, um none ... you can't hang out til 9:30pm, bummer

Thursday, July 13, 2006


Came home, my thermometer read 32 celsius, which is like 92 degrees F inside my apartment!!! Then at school I made the mistake of wearing one grey shirt. Before I knew it, it was a sweaty mess front and back. Damn why don't they have fans in the classroom! Lucky I had a spare shirt for the next class. Yes, it's officially hot and sweaty weather time. Think I burned off another 2 pounds today at basketball.


The other day two of the Peruvian/Japanese students asked me to come to their dance on Saturday. Come and watch "bailar" they said. Oh, how cute! Thought it was nice of them to ask me of all people, who doesn't understand much Japanese nor Spanish. Hahaha.


Tuesday, July 11, 2006


How humid is it in Japan? Some of my friends didn't think it was that hot and humid. But let me give you some examples of how hot it is.
- Some teachers when they teach, they bring a sweat towel to class, no AC or fans in class.
- When I am using the computer at school, my arms are so damp they stick to the desk.
- My papers at school feel soft and wet from the humidity.
- When I play basketball I am able to sweat through my legs, never had that until I got to Japan. Plus I think I lost 3lbs today after playing 2.5 hours of basketball with my kids today, it was like I jumped in a pool, totally drenched, fingers even felt wrinkly as if I was in that pool too long.
Well those are some examples, please enjoy your Seattle summer folks, I will see you soon to escape this sauna country.


It's that old saying "time flies", and sure has, it was like yesterday at the Seattle airport saying goodbye to my friends and family in Seattle. But in just 3 weeks I will be saying goodbye to my friends and students in Tatsuno, Japan. Just trying to take it easy. 3 of 4 elementary schools done, 3 junior high classes done, kamae center done, elementary school teacher party done, ticket home done, cleaning and moving and getting a new job coming up... camera has been working overtime lately


Its been awhile since seeing some good "engrish" (English spelled with a new flavor). So how about this find of a thank you ticket or maybe its a "thank you thicket". But heck the food was good and we got 10% off, I will take a thank you "thicket" any day.