Thursday, October 30, 2008


Its all the rage in Japan, the banana diet. Damn TV show tells everyone and before you know it all the supermarkets are out of bananas, I ain't on no banana diet, I just like eating bananas, where are my bananas!!


Mr. Rilakuma found a new home. Took a bit of work to get the big fellow, the UFO Catcher game isn't exactly the easiest thing, mmm .. think I spent like $30 bucks, damn those games, sucker me in!


Was cruising through 7-11 the other day and low and behold a new drink! I can't resist the new drinks, gotta try em all, even if they are a bit wierd like this oh so yummy yogurt flavor Pepsi drink. Well it wasn't too bad, but don't I will buy it again.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Work been busy, making lessons everyday, seems like it never ends, its always in the back of my mind. So ya don't got much to talk about except school. But school is fun so its all good. Was tired last night so made lessons in the morning for 3rd period, lucky I got the textbook from last year. Too bad they didnt use last years ORAL communication book would have been a hell lot easier, because I gotta make everything from scratch this year. Anyways got through class today. Lunch time ran into Aki and some of the other 2nd grade girls. They said I looked slimmer than last year. Mmmm .. I don't think I got thinner, I think I am the same weight. The 3-4 kids were watching the Cultural Festival in the computer room, so I stopped by. I was playing on the chair when Yamashita threw me into a tornado, I fell of and landed on my hip, damn that hurt, I don't think I am as young as I used to be, gotta workout more. Speaking of working out, haven't been to the school gym or any gym for a long time, gotta hit the weights, I am losing my muscle! Taught the 3-4 class some slang, it was hard because it was like another foreign, foreign language, but I think it will be good as soon as they learn it, its very useful for their university test and whatever. Lastly Mr Munakata is a great guy, nice guy, always helping me, had to check out if the Michael Jackson Thriller bootleg was gonna work in class, so he helped me with the audio visual stuff. It was kinda dark, but it worked, mmm ... its great to have a guy like Mr. Munakata.