Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Got great news today when I called up Ogawa sensei from my old school just to see how things were going. She said something incredible happened. The
boys basketball won 1st place in the school district area. Then got 2nd place in the greater area tournament, and next are going to the Hyogo (state) tournament. Holy cows!?!?!

A little background on the suprise. All of last year I was trying hard, or somewhat hard to get the bball team to get some respect. Well, basically the boys sucked, getting blown out game after game, with scores like 20-100 which is pretty damn embarassing. I tried to hang tough and teach em what I knew, because heck the coaches didn't even know basketball too. They were just regular teachers. So at the same time I was teaching the boys and girls coaches on how to play basketball. I thought it could one of those Disney movies like the "Mighty Ducks" where you get this scrub to baller team. But when I left in July I thought that would never have happened. Even Ogawa sensei said, go teach the kids, you are the ALT you can make them good, ha ha.
Oh I miss those basketball boys, even how foolish they were, I still felt that I could help them out, and look they made me proud. Honestly this could be the most perverted team at the same time, always touching each other up and me too, maybe thats why their defense is good now, playing man to man, ha ha. Ah, Mr. Shimazu, the next Kobe I thought, in time, always practiced shooting everyday and was getting good, just in the game he freaked out, but I know in time he will turn around, one of the nicest kids out there and speaks awesome English, also gave him my shoes, but he already outgrew them, these kids. Mr. Nakajima, the enforcer, always gets angry at himself and at others, but hey thats great in bball you always need a Dennis Rodman in there, and I don't know why he loves grabbing boys tits. Then there is Mr. XXX I call him, little Isiah, tough like nails, smallest guy out there but will run you into the ground on his gritty D and can always hit you up with a nice layup. Mr. XXX sometimes lazy, sometimes great, you won't know who you will get that day, but you always gotta keep em going, Mr. nice guy too, and great at English, he knows what you are talking about when you ask him about his "nuts".

Just some more random thoughts from the past ...

Crazy Japanese basketball it was fun to see at the begining two years ago. Honestly I never played any organized bball or was super good or anything, but I liked playing it everyday and I liked to watch college NCAA bball. Learned alot from TV, on how the coaches and commentators responded to players mistakes or great plays. So it was interesting to see how coaches in Japan didn't know how to run out the clock, or use it, or even play zone defense. So fuck, man to man sucked sometimes, so had the team play some zone. No one ever saw the zone before and we beat a couple of teams at it, until they caught on the year after and started playing the zone too.

Anyways best wishes to them! GO TEAM!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


This is Mike Shu's mother. Can you try to contact me as soon as possible for me? I am trying to get hold of him, but his phone line is busy. You may know his neighber who can knock on his door. If you can, let him know as soon as possible that his home needs him to go back to USA as soon as possible. He should call my office.

Thank you, Makane.
F. Shu