Saturday, January 27, 2007


This was the question for my 2nd grade kids. So they put together their speeches and read them aloud in class from memory (which I can't even do and I speak English, so mad props to the kids) each speech was about 5 to 10 sentences. Many good ones, and some dreams included, being a pilot, teacher, robot engineer, doctor, baker, flight attendant, translator, sushi master, chef, salary man (business man), professional soccer or baseball player, news reporter, vet, etc. After their speech I got to ask 3 questions. But one of the most interesting answers was ...

markane: So you want to be a preschool teacher?
student: Yes
markane: Do you like children?
student: No, I don't.
class: eeeehhhhh ?????
markane: Oh, wow! One more time, do you like children?
student: No, I don't.
teacher: (in Japanese) Do you like children? 子供が好きですか?
student: No, I don't.
teacher: (in Japanese) Really? ホンマ?
student: Yes

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