Wednesday, February 20, 2008


So the other day I was reading that article about being happy. Honestly I am kinda bummed out today, but I will try my best and write 5 happy things that happened today.

1. Finished making the 2-4 class worksheet. I made a map of Himeji city including the cast members from the Japanese TV show called "Ainori", complete with member pics and convience stores, looked kinda smooth I thought, took a couple hours to make but it was fun, the kids had a good laugh when they saw it, but mmm .. didn't answer the questions. Maybe it was a little too tough, back to the drawing board.

2. Was asking daily questions in 2-4 class and I asked Sonoyama what she had for lunch. She looked toward her classmates for a bit and then said, "I love you", a bit shocked, I gave one of my funny oh my god looks for fun. Her classmates probably got her to say it, but anyways its always nice to have someone say "I love you", ha ha ha.

3. Mmmm ... nothing too major at the number 3 spot, so I decided to choose lunch. There are always two main choices for lunch and I am happy I picked the fried mince meat set, it was pretty darn delicious!

4. Today I taught the 1-12 class, the smart kids, only two more lessons before the test I was in super speed mode because all quarter they were doing speeches. Zoomed through lesson 9, thought I did a pretty good job knowing that usually it takes 3-4 lessons with the other classes. Went pretty smoothly, I was pretty happy with a good class.

5. Mmmm... getting tough at the end ... it was busy at work today, didn't get off til 630pm ish and headed to the supermarket "MaxValue", I knew I only had about 20 bucks and was cutting it close with the groceries, went a bit over my budget and had to get rid of some stuff. Lucky the clerk understood what I was talking about, whew! It's always embarrassing to go over in any country.

Well that was the 5 good things, I would be a liar if I didn't say I was a bit bummed today. Got off work a bit late and didn't finish all my work, desk looks like a war zone, don't think I can go to Japanese class cuz I got too much work to do. Got home and just chilled in front of the comp and read some news, wanted to hit the gym but no time so just pumped iron at home and drank beer. It would be nice to just pick up the phone and talk to one of my friends from back home, Amy, Ark, Ace, Jimmy, Ben ... But the time difference and stuff, and everyones busy. Sometimes you just gotta learn how to take care of yourself. Its tough and even tougher when your teacher and friend passes away. When things aren't always looking up and things come up ... You just have to learn how get through.

1 comment:

Ames said...

ah, dont' be can call us anytime:-) and you'll be home before you know it.. I'll get the poker, beer and beef ready for your homecoming..hehe.. I am sorry to hear about your friend though. Im sure he's in a better place looking down at all his students, friends and family.. Cheer up my friend.