Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Got some dried fruit from Mr Mori. Yum! I love dried fruit and they are all the way from Vancouver. Before the English class departed for Canada I asked who was nervous, and Mr. Mori and one other student was the only one to raise their hands. So I lent Mr. Mori my About Japan book, hoping he could strike up a conversation with his host family, because its hard to just chill and not speak English for a 4 days. So Mr. Mori popped in and gave me back my book and some goodies, he smiled and said thank you, and mentioned he had a good trip. That was great news to me because I wanted the kids to have a good experience in Vancouver. Sometimes I dont know about that class, during class time they never say a word and just sit there orderly, no talking, no laughter, its like a mystery, but outside of class they are pretty cool. Just gotta keep trying and figure something out. Takeda sensei mentioned the other day, heck its a class he isn't too fond of which I was surprised to hear, but I can understand and relate to but hey yah gotta keep on trying. Its like a mystery that I need to solve, what makes students tick ... mmmm ... just one student at a time ..

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