Monday, April 17, 2006


Yeah know, i dont think Japan has a noise ordinance. As of yesterday there has been crazy little cars with loud ass blow horns screaming out names of candidates. Looks like its election season, and this shit is gonna go on all week long. Here is a sample, imagine a loud sqeaky middle age girls voice rolling down your street, "kombanwa.... Yamamoto Naoto ...Yamamoto Naoto ....Yamamoto Naoto ....desu ...." and it goes on and on. Then it gets even better when two of those little cars cross each other, then you get to hear two squeaky voices. Oh great and its only 730pm. Damn look at those blow horns.

The rows of fierce compeitors, the various billboards around town are one of the only ways they can promote themselves. There is also mail, which i got a handful, and also the roadside campaign camps where a bunch of supporters dress up with bright ass neon jackets, orange, yellow, purple, you name it, seems like they all got a color for their team. In addition they sport some fierce white headbands often with the rising sun logo. Then as you drive by they all shout their candidates name and bow to you and every car that goes by. I wonder how many cars drive by? They must bow over a couple hundred times, mmm ... backaches i hear ya. I would set up a massage place across the street, ha ha. Anyways here are some of the lovely people going up for election, wouldnt you want a guy who know how to use a sword on your team?

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