Sunday, April 02, 2006


Just the other day we had our year end teacher dinner. This year we had 4 teachers leaving. Mrs. Yamamoto and Mrs. Ueda, two super nice teachers who love gardening, cooking, and pretty much anything homemaking are retiring. They worked with the special education kids and were always sweet and kind, i will miss them. Then also leaving is Mr. Morikage, he is about my age and a pretty cool guy even though we didnt talk much, nice guy, he had just one student. What kinda teacher is that? Well its Japan and for those special cases were the student is too shy to attend regular class, they get to attend a special class. Back home i guess we would whack the kid, but here its common to see this shy behavior. But no problem as long as the kid is trying to come to school so that is good. Then last to leave was Osaka sensei aka Kyotoo sensei, or what we would say Vice Principal. He was also the PE teacher and the one i would ask for my vacations. He was always nice about it, even though throughout school he would have a stern look all the time, looking all tough. But i knew everytime when he laughed he was a nice guy deep down. He cared about the students alot and the teachers too, i could notice that when he was talking to the teachers, giving them advice on what they should do to be better, even though he was a bit drunk. A great guy, a bit suprising he was leaving only after a couple years. Oh i will miss him, its a bummer he cant be there at school when i leave, seems like all the cool important top people who helped me out all moved. Superintendant Wada, Principal, supervisor Shinomoto, and VP now. Dang. Oh well ....

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