Thursday, June 01, 2006


First, I was sitting down at my desk and Yukie came in and gave me an envelope. Inside the envelope were pictures that she had taken with her camera of me and all the students in her class from our Kobe trip. I was like, "wow!", so cool! This was coming from a girl who a year ago who didnt even come to school saying she was being bullied and didnt like it, but now she was the leader of that school trip. Kids always suprise ya.

Food! I was kinda bummed that I couldnt order my usual bento today. So i opted to go out and buy it at the store, but when i was about to enter i looked across the street and saw this little cafe with a lunch menu. When crossing the street bumped into some of my high school kids, Nishimura and friend, always good to see the alumni. Anyways ventured into the restaurant, ordered a chicken set. Hot damn, that was one of the best chicken I have had in Japan! Damn, I need to explore more, I have been missing out. Gonna go back and get my fill before I leave.

Then all the classes were great today, even the bad classes, they did their work and had fun. Amazing how a little tinkering of a lesson can make it so much better. If somehing dont work, I dont try to do the same thing again, I always like to tinker with it or give it a new spin and try to make it work. It was boring enough just writing about your school trip which was kinda a bomb last year. So with a little flavor, try to guess who went where and what they ate, or even just smash up your paper, kids like that. Good to see something workout. Always thinking of what to improve, thats kinda my nerdy side.

Then had some free time and played some bball with the kids, damn it was hot today! But it was fun to just screw around and play some 2v2, 3v3, and even Takuto wanted to play some 1v1 which is always fun.

After school ran into Ari and Mao. The funny girls, ah its always good to see em. They also intercepted Mike and Nikki and had a good chat.

Rounding up more excercise, hit up Mike for soccer action in prep for Awaji. Good to run around and sweat and enjoy Tatsuno by the river, its so nice here, gonna miss it. Rarely do I see a spot by the river to live by in Japan.

Now at home, ready to chill and eat some good food! ... and that was a great day ... well after my ice cream desert of course ...

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