Thursday, July 28, 2005


Spokane is still the same even after returning all these years.

Drivers dont really have a concern to rush anywhere, they even brake to stay within the speed limit. It was like slow motion as everyone was cruising along at 30mph and that was a busy road.

Everyone is really friendly in Spokane, people acutally say "hi", "thank you", or even open the door for ya. Its true that its got that smalltown friendly feeling. Of course there probably is a little racism just like any other place, but generally most people are very nice.

Some new houses here and there, the dirt road and little forest where i used to play around when i was a kid is gone, replaced by a paved road and new homes. How things have changed. But damn that Zipp's Papa Joe burger and tarter sauce is still the best in the world! Can't be beat even after trying all those other burgers around the world.

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