Friday, July 08, 2005


Its wierd, or maybe sometimes i dont know it, recently in the past year or two since i have been in Japan i have had my bouts of stress. Or that is what my doctor diagnosed. Well i think its correct because when i take those little pills she gave me it makes me feel all better. Anyways, was teaching class today, and the class was kinda shitty, and the teacher i teach with is i would say kinda passive, not sure what the deal is but he wasnt like that last year and it seems to be getting more worse and worse. Not sure if he is too busy, or maybe cuz these are kids he doesnt know, fuck i dont know, its like a mystery i try to figure out everyday. I finally solved one last year, and it was going great but now i dont teach with her, so shit. Then the other teacher which i was bored as hell with, is pretty cool this year as i get to be more a part of the class, and those classes are awesome! Then my other teacher is cool, she is full of ideas, and she doesnt do much, but we work like clockwork, so its all good. But that still doesnt solve my mystery. So in class today, kids were getting restless cuz its so fucking slow, cant call on a kid, dont have the seating chart in a language i know, cant run out and pick kids, cuz takes too much time, then the other teacher is too hesistant. Damn so in class when i was getting aggrevated, i could feel my stomach acting up, and it wasnt the ole stomache, it was stomach pain. Fuck i am glad school is getting over, and if my BOE guy gives me more shit about it and how great Japan is for my health, i will tell him to go shove it. Alright, time to sleep ... well after school it was all good.

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