Thursday, July 07, 2005


Well it was a pretty busy day, went to elementary school, taught 5 classes (sweating in all of them), escaped some crazy kids chasing me home, then went to junior high to coach basketball, then went to the gym, then had ramen for dinner, and when i got home it was like 10pm. Dang, tired yo. But yo know what, it was a good day. I had fun, and that is a big thing to say from my job. I dont really remember having fun at any of my prior jobs or even have the feeling of accomplishing anything or even being worthy (except when i worked at the Boys and Girls club and NIA Center). Its all about the kids, i love hanging out with them, being crazy and all, its fun. Of course there are ups and downs, but i tell ya there are more ups and it sure beats sitting in a cubicle all day.

Anyways brought my camera to elementary school, so thought i would give you all an inside look of a japanese elementary school. Cute kids.

1 comment:

Kane said...

dang i need to adopt your kids ... mine were a bit dead today, up and down days, then again that JTE teacher is pretty ... um ... boring ... damn , must fight on