Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Re! Re! Re! ...
One of the MUST things to do when living in Japan. GO! to a Hanshin Tigers game at Koshein stadium. (Hanshin Tigers is one of the oldest baseball teams in Japan, its kinda like seeing the Cubs at Wrigley Field) Baseball fans in Japan are crazy! And its cool, its like a big college basketball or football game, everyone's into it. Not quite like the boring and slow American baseball from back home, where the occasional fat man will start cheering. Here at a Tigers game everyone is up in arms, almost all fans got some sort of bat noisemakers (50%), they all got their jerseys (80%), 7th inning stretch is not a song, but a all out ballon flying session, and then they cheer for anything, even a bunt, its crazy! It's a must do. ... in the pics, they amazingly let you take beer into the stadium, its just gotta be poured into a paper cup, but don't worry, they even do it for you

Of course had to get a pic with the crazy grandma fan!

1 comment:

Lisa Scott said...

cool pics man. your blog lightened up my otherwise boring day at school! the hanshin tigers game does look pretty cool.