Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Recently been pumping up at the gym, finally getting back to the old form from Seattle, um 3 years later. Dang Thao, my spotting buddy. Got back to my goal of 4 reps of 225, then the thoughts of my favorite gym heros came bouncing in my head. Of course, "I am Hans." "And I am Franz." "And we just want to.. [ clap ] Pump.. you up!" Here are some classic phrases that always crack me up.

* "I am Hans." "And I am Franz."
* "We are here to pump [handclap] you up!"
* "Hear me now and believe me later..."
* "Girlie men"
* "Look at the girlie man, going into his girlie house!"

Hans: Franz? Are you sleeping?
Franz: No, Hans. I was just counting stars.
Hans: Listen to me now, and believe me later: you can't count all the stars, Franz. It's like trying to count all your muscles.
Franz: Yes, you are right.
Hans: The universe is so vast.
Franz: I was just thinking, Hans: suppose we were just a tiny speck of a muscle, inside a larger muscle, inside an even larger muscle. It boggles my mind just talking about it.

Franz: Hans, I cannot sleep. I'm going to get up and have a nice hot cup of protein drink. [gets up ]
Hans: I think I vill join you. [ also gets up ]

[ a wolf howls ]
Franz: Vhat was that?
Hans: Vhat was vhat?
[ a cat screams ]
Franz: That!
Hans: I don't know.. but if I was a wild bear thinking about attacking a certain campsite, I would think twice now and think about it again later!
Franz: Listen to me now, and hear me later, Mr. Bear: if you think that ve are easy prey, then take a look at this!
[ Hans and Franz flex their muscles for all the wild forest animals to see ]

Franz: Don't give yourself too much credit, Mr. Out-of-Shape Ranger Man!
Hans: Ya, Mr. Smokey the Bear Man! You know, if you think you scared us, my friend, then you are a dreamer!
Franz: Ya, and dreamers are in for a rude awakening!
Hans: Ya, you know, maybe we should wake you up by putting a bear trap in your bed, and then having it snap your flabby fanny!
Franz: Ya, and you would not even feel it, and then we'd be stuck with some trapped flab!
Hans: Ya, that's right! Hear me now, and believe me.

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