Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Well, actually it was yesterday, but nothing like a good ole problem to spruce up your regular routine. Over the weekend was driving around and got a flat, so the other day had to look up some new words to use when going to the local JOMO gas station to get a fix. Its just not like home where you can roll up there and get something done. Seems like everything here i gotta do some prep work. So looked up the word for repair, "shurisuru" 私の車のタイヤを修理してもらえますか. Or something, like that, anyways they got the jiff of it, kinda helped that the tire looked flat too. Everything was dandy, got it fixed, got some explanation which i probably only understood 20% of, but the main thing was mission accomplished. Like i said, there is always something new everyday in Japan.

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