Tuesday, May 13, 2008


If there was no internet I would have no news ... but since there is ESPN, Seattletimes, Yahoo, etc. all online its great!

Lets see the latest random news ...

Sonics going or leaving? Schultz is suing to get them back, I hope the Sonics stay
7.9 earthquake in China yesterday
Cyclone in Burma, but government too dumb to let in aid work
gas prices are crazy! Japan reinstated their .25 cent tax, so its like 157yen for one liter!
NBA playoffs, Boston and Cleveland tied at 2-2
Microsoft ditched out on the purchase of Yahoo, good idea i thought
Mariners suck this year, projected first, but really last
Hanshin Tigers baseball team is in 1st and killing everyone with a .710 winning record!
Mmmm... just started watching "Heros" season 1, I think I am a bit behind a couple of years, but hey its really good!!
Conan O Brien taking over for Jay Leno and Jimmy Fallon taking over Conan's spot ... wow saw Jimmy at the UW

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