Sunday, January 22, 2006


Thursday and Friday we had our mid year conference, usually we have it around november, but this year it was in january. Usually its pretty boring, but honestly it was a bit better this year, the guest speaker Nakai sensei from Nara Ten.. university was pretty amusing, he did a great job as first of all he had to speak all in english, he was good , then also he had to talk for 90 minutes, that is quite a task for anyone here in japan or even back home. But it was nice to hear him, brought back memories of college and my favorite prof and their lectures. Always interesting to hear funny lectures. Makes me want to go to university and teach there. Anyways at the conf. it was the usual round abouts of all the jets from hyogo ken, also partnered with the japanese english teacher. Got to get some ideas together from other teachers and let my teachers kinda know what ideas other Alts have to. Overall it was alright, nice break from just teaching at school.

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