Tuesday, January 31, 2006


The kids at school are always interesting, here is a summary of some of the things going on.

layers - The kids gotta wear their uniforms, no extra jackets or anything over their uniforms, i thought damn u guys gotta be freezing (classes have no heater) so i decided to ask how many layers u got under there? So i asked mr. yuya and ayaka. Yuya reported 5 layers and Ayaka with 6 , damn, thats alot of layers. Maybe they are alright.

speaking - I help teach a special education class, and in there is a girl named Saki. She is the quietest thing and somedays doesnt even say a word. But like a miracle over the new year she began smiling and talking with a big loud voice!! I was like wow!! Something must have happened over the new year, mmm, but i am happy for it.

1st grade kids - Fresh out of elementary school, i was doing a photo slide about my singapore trip last year and showed em my two cars, yeah my ferrari and lamborghini. Told the kids that it was mine, and they were like "oh really??", then they would ask questions like "where is it now?" .. still in singapore i would say .. "who is driving it?" .. my friend ... "how much is it?" ... its a secret ... "can i drive it?" ... sorry you cant drive, you arent old enough ... ha ha ha .. funny kids, so now i have a band of them following me around the halls saying "ferrari, ferrari"

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