Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Decided to hit the theatre today, hell yeah i gonna watch a movie on vacation, sure beats paying almost $20 a person in Japan, heck in Thailand it was a whopping 240 baht for two people, or $6 usa, what a deal. Decided to watch "Narina" recommended by Ben. Asian style of course, got to pick the seats! Theatre was huge, very cool and seats were like airplane lounge chairs, very cool, u could almost sleep in em. Didnt even bother the people in the back. Then there was the begining, a long ass one it was, about 30 minutes! and i thought 10 minutes back home was long, in that time i could have watched another movie. Then the kicker, at the end of the long ass commercials the screen popped up with the Thai king on it, and a message read please stand up to pay respects to the king. So everyone in the theatre stood up for about a minute as beautiful thai music played and pics of the king from boy to manhood flashed across the screen. Quite interesting then quite again, bit monarchy, but anyways whatever floats your boat, i heard about this type of tribute, but guess i got to experience it first hand. Ah and for the movie, it was awesome! Probably one of the few movies i watch on the big screen, if u havent seen it , go and watch it. Plus yeah, it was cheap!

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