Sunday, February 05, 2006


The GOOD, got a bunch of errands done, picked up my BOA laces for my boots, changed the car oil which is always an adventure with nice work by neighbor Shu, then picked up the Minna No Nihongo II book which i should have had a long time ago, then ate some good ass yakiniku for dinner with Mike, Nikki, and Ayame and even had room to polish it off with some McDonalds, and called mom.
Then the BAD, the special yakiniku sauce i supposed was spiced up with mad MSG and it gave me a killer headache the next day, that lasted the whole day. It even got the peeps with some bladder problems. So stayed in couldnt go watch the kids play bball, didnt go to the gym. Ah skipped out on two snowboarding trips, damn. Promised myself to rest up this weekend otherwise i would have a nervous breakdown. Oh well just rested up, so no loss there.

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