Sunday, February 05, 2006


Yup, looking for a new job, almost after 3 years its almost time to move on. How sad to leave such a cool job. How could you not like long vacations every 3 months or so. I dont know of any other job like that. Anyways at the Kobe conference they mentioned it was only about 6 months to go until July, and i never thought of it that way til now. Damn how time flies, time to get together that resume soon. Looked at jobs online but no go there yet, there are tons of jobs out there as the school year starts in april/march here. But damn on the JET program its July for us, so its kinda screwy cuz it doesnt really match up. MMmmm what to do. Hopefully later on some more jobs will pop up for a August start or something. Crossing those fingers, otherwise gonna chill and take it easy and enjoy my last couple months in Tatsuno. Its a nice little city with nice people, when i get the chance gonna take a walk around and do a nice photo shoot, nice and peaceful and relaxing.

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