Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Well its interesting how CNN and all the news picks up things about Japan, but its pretty much just stuff coming out of Tokyo. So the article went on about how the nerd world up in Tokyo has gotten new ideas, and shops such as coffee joints, hair salons, etc have been popping up where the workers dress up as maids to give the "i serve you master feel" to the nerds and other people who come in. So the maids go out of their way by bowing, grooming, and even spoon feeding among other things, geeezzz. I dont see any maid service around these neck of the woods, well not the boonies, but i mean in the bigger cities of Kobe, Osaka, and Kyoto. Its one of those only in Tokyo. Anyways thought it was a interesting read, check it out, might even be funny to check out one of these places for reals.

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