Wednesday, February 15, 2006


But who cares! I was gonna treat the kids for all their hard work. Today was a day of relaxing for the 11 or so English high school course wannabe students. Yesterday, for Valentine's day my kids wrapped up their english interviews and paper tests at Aioi and Taishi high school. What a bummer to take a test on V day. The past two weeks me and the English teachers were busy prepping them up to pass the test. Everyone had some basic interview questions asked them such as, "What's the name of your school? What's your favorite food? What time do you wake up? How do you come to school?" and so on. Talking to the kids after the test today the Aioi kids said the teachers interviewing them were rapid fire, just shooting out high speed questions, a bit difficult. This into contrast where the Taishi kids said that they got super easy questions. This could also be the space in the course, Taishi had 40/47 and Aioi had a whopping 40/61. For Aioi bout a 66% chance to get in, bummer. Then the 2nd part of the interview varied, for Aioi the kids had to read a story passage then answers questions. Before they had pictures, but not this year, so the kids said it was hard, geeez i hope they passed. The Taishi kids had a picture of a anime character such as "chibi maruko chan" and pop singers "SMAP" and had to make a one minute speech.

Damn its hard enough in your own language non less in another language. Worked really hard in prepping them in this one, as the other teachers didnt really know how to tackle this one. So made a series of hints, such as intro, description, color, clothes, where from, make a story, i want, i think, when i was young, what, when, where, who, ... etc. At first it was really tough because they were just reading stories but couldnt put anything together, but later got them to 30 seconds, then 40 seconds, and then finally over a minute. Yippee! Some were super awesome! Ayaka, Noriko, and sometimes the others had great speeches. Pretty cool to see them all do well, i hope they passed!!!!

Anyways so there was no snow and it wasn't Christmas, but it was time for the famous "White Elephant" game. The other day went and scooped up the kids favorites, elmo, cookie monster, sponge bob, bracelets, and other goodies. Overall it was a fun day with the kids! GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL!

from back row ... kinue (habatan), mao, aki, ayaka, chika, aki, misaki, noriko, misato, ?, kenshi, hisonori, ogawa sensei, me

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