Wednesday, April 13, 2005


I was like what you girls saying? ...."alllllllllllllllllllegria" ... i thought it was the circus but i wasnt sure. Then i asked them what it was, and they said it was a circus. They liked it. I said i did too, and i got tickets! Then they gave me the, "aw damn look". It was the funny volleyball trio of Maho, Naaaaaa-chan, and Aki. Maho even remembers when i called her cute, as a class example. Hahaha, then it was nice to hear that Maho likes international stuff, and that she wants to travel all over the world. She wanted to go to italy, america, australia, etc. It was nice to hear that, hoped i kinda helped influenced that, or anyways it is good to hear that they want to see the world.

Chilling with the new 1st graders who are trying out for the basketball club, damn they are small, they all must be like under 5 feet tall and 100 pounds. One of em is pretty good, his name is Takuto i think, but damn when u are that small u gotta shoot with two hands, and good luck rebounding.

Today, was the suprise day for the kids, they got new coaches. The girls basketball team screamed, as they found out their new coach. Who? who? who? who is that they all said.... no one knew the guy since he was a new teacher .. but i just came from the meeting where the teacher said he dont want to coach basketball. The thing is sometimes the teachers are appointed a sports club even if they dont know anything about it. So that was the case here, the teacher was a bit older with grey hair, and looked like he didnt want to add more learning a new sport to coach, so he was definetly arguing about it. I can understand his point. He seems like a nice guy, and pretty cool too, plus there is the added pressure that the girls team is one the best teams in the area, so might look bad if he does bad. But i think it will be fine, i am always in the gym so i will help him out if he is there.

Ah brought my new pair of Nike basketball shoes to the gym, amazingly how interested the kids were, from the girls team to the boys team, to even the volleyball team. They were like where did you get that shoe? america? japan? how much was it? is that the kobe bryant shoe?

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