Saturday, April 09, 2005


Ran into some of my kids on the train, well they kinda just ran into the seat next to mine and Susanne's. It is always cool to see them dressed up besides the school uniform, it definetly adds personality which sometimes school doesnt allow. Especially when you are wearing $75 pink Juicy sweatpants. On board was the funny softball player, Tomomi-yo who i guess likes english, but i didnt really know it till she applied to Susanne's Aioi high school which has an advanced english class. Hitomi who was always sweet and nice in class, going to a high level Tatsuno high school along with their other friend. So i had to ask where they were going on this nice day. They responded, to Himeji for some bowling! Funny to see them all dressed up, so had to take a pic with my cell phone.

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