Saturday, April 09, 2005


Dang, nice and sunny and warm. Great day! Cherry blossoms blooming, sun shinning, so i brought out the shorts and tshirt. Felt like it was around 70 degrees or so, perfect! Cruised over with Susanne to Kobe to meet Dan and Carla for some lunch. Damn, Dan found this Indian restaurant and it was damn good. Got the B set, included some rice, nan bread, curry, chicken tikka, chicken, and ice cream or other stuff. All for about $11 US. Been craving Indian food, like i crave Cedar's back home. Mmmm ... good. Yeah, better enjoy the days and nites now, because i know the heat and humidty of summer will be coming soon!!

Even dropped by the Outlets in Tarumi for some shopping. Usually i dont find anything, but scored a sweet pair of Nike basketball shoes for $50, it be nice to have a pair cuz i have been playing in my indoor soccer shoes which as you can imagine may not be the best thing to play in.

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