Friday, April 01, 2005


Just a daily thought in things. Around the supermarket i am just not used to the selection, maybe its an american thing or something. But back home when you are looking for GROUND PORK or GROUND BEEF you can get it in a variety of leaness. So like 5% fat, 30% fat, 50% fat and so on. But here you just get what you get, there is no cutting out the fat. So yeah when i am cooking that yummy spaghetti or taco, i gotta drain all that extra yummy oil. Then there is also JUICE. You dont get the minute maid variety here. Nope, no choice in pulp, extra pulp, extra vitamin C or whatever. You just get orange juice and thats it, one taste, with no pulp, hope you like it. Then there is the BEER, of course the japanese monopoly of the big 3 , Asahi, Kirin, and Sapporro. Then after awhile, they all look the same and taste the same. Miss those ambers, pales, dark and light beers, and different companies! .... But not to be so harshful, Japan has a great selection of restaurants, everywhere you go you can find them, but then again, you gotta choose between your ramen, udon, katsu, etc. Somehow, you gotta eat what you can get.

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