Sunday, December 25, 2005


Well since we were in Laos, had to get the Laotian food of course. So took Susanne to get some REAL Lao food. Ordered the ever favorite papaya salad, grilled chicken, laap muu (pork), and sticky rice and some noodles. Felt like i was ordering at the restaurant back home, at Vientiane, yum, couldnt wait to eat some Lao food, especially the sticky rice. Checked with Susanne if she wanted the shit spicy. I was trying to convince her for the not spicy at all. But what she wanted we ordered. First came out the noodles, yum, awesome! Then everything else came out. Susanne tried the laap and then the papaya salad. Hot damn, that was the end of that. Too hot for the chinese blood. Usually i dont eat hot food, but i can, usually at home that is , i dont like to eat and sweat at the restaurant, but damn i wasnt about to order food and let it go to waste, that would look really weak and shameful, so i did my best to eat it up and sweat it out like i was in a suana. Damn, hot food! At the end, it was a nice mission accomplished, managed to kill most of the food. So yes i did back up my word of eating my food, yup. But in another case, i think the food won the war over Susanne .... poor thang probably wont look at lao food again ... he he he

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