Sunday, December 25, 2005


Today bid goodbye to Vientiane and my uncle Oud and his nice family. Hopped on the infamous Lao Air. Checked that the weather was good to make it in one piece. The plane took off and got there in one piece, even made a nice little pit stop at an old communist airfield, nice to have the plane going on gravel. Picked up some passengers and even a really ill child, poor kid was in bad shape and looked like he was being transported from the village to a bigger city. Met up with the two lovely ladies we met the day before, Jen and Sandy, cool people from Canada.

Luang Prabang, damn its cool here, people are nice, streets are clean, its not so crazy, food is cheap, weather is nice. Its just really laid back and really cool. Kinda got in and tried to sort out some travel since we were trying to book a flight to Chiang Mai, but guess what its booked through the 9th of Jan. So fuck that , we not gonna stay that long. Might have to take the ghetto bus back to Vientiane and hop on our safety plane back to Bangkok. Lucky i got a round trip award ticket. Anyways back to LP. ... well shit i tired and really didnt do too much today, so will update more later on ... anyways ... merry xmas to u all!

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