Monday, December 12, 2005


This year is my last year working at the local Kamae community center. So they asked me to be Santa Claus, of course being nice i said "yes". Not sure if yes was a good answer, but guess i did it for the kids. Anyways the whole experience gave me once a more greater appreciation of the mall santa's back home. Holy shit dont do that job ever. Anyways got suited up, of course i wasnt fat enough so they tied a blanket around the tummy, put on the beard which was itchy as hell and sometimes i sucked in the fake hair, nasty. Then boots and other shit was ok. The jazz band was playing Xmas tunes, they are pretty cool and i liked em, then also this year they got this cool ass mime guy that studied back in France. I thought at first how lame, a mime, but i was wrong, he was pretty damn cool. Doing some cool ass stuff, i even wouldnt mind seeing a actual performance it be cool. I couldnt see the whole mime show because i had to go to the back and suit up. All the teachers wanted to have an english speaking santa this year, and of course who else speaks english, me. Then they were trying to be all secret, like the kids couldnt guess it was me. But of course that didnt work because when i stepped into the room all the kids were yelling my name, obviously i didnt fool anyone. Anyways moved on through the sea of kids, some got out of the way, then the others were bitches trying to get under my santa suit and tug at my stomach, aka blanket. Hot damn those little punks as they were slowly deflating me. Luckily made it to the front in one piece but a little battered. They gave me some sort of lines, but it was pretty sketchy and often times i always forget shit when i am talking. So i met this super nice lady who is also the dance teacher to help me out, Ms. Manami who also used to be an english teacher, super awesome timing. So we made questions together, she was the interviewer and i was the person getting interviewed, this way i wouldnt forget my lines! Worked like a champ, santa likes to eat cookies, milk, and sushi .... kaiten sushi that is! ... Well at the end handed out cookies and candies to all the little punks. 15 minutes of Santa fame, itchy, kids pulling, but it was worth it. It was a fun time and yeah i can say i was santa for a day ...

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