Monday, December 26, 2005


Not much going on today except for eating, a little shopping, and a little walking around, then a little massage. First of all if the so-so steak from last night wasnt bad enough, wasted another stomach opportunity by eating a crappy ass sausage sandwich. I was hoping for something like a nice vietnamese kinda sandwich like from the Ave. But nah, got fuckin 3 hot dogs in a toasted bun. Hot damn, if i wanted that i would have eaten at Costco. Fuck. Damn, so i ordered it and had to eat it, i would rather have had some nice stir fry or some sticky rice with something else. Anyways, but so walked around a bit more, and stopped by and met a nice shop owner by the name of Noi. She explained how and where the different fabrics came from and what to look for, some were from different regions, north, south, depending on color and style, then even some of the cheap ones were from factories in Vietnam, very nice lady so bought a couple nice purses from her. Her name was Noi, same as about 10% of the lao names , ha ha ha ... if you have laotian friends you gotta know at least one or two noi's.
Later hunger of dinner was calling, so i was tired of trying these crappy ass tourist places, getting tricked for some nasty food, hell ya i am willing to pay more for some good food. That $3 breakfast did no justice. So we came along this restaurant that looked a little bling, but Susanne noticed that there were some Lao people there which is always a good thing. Sat down, Susanne still with the stomach bug ordered some pork noodle soup which was $2 but damn it was good as hell, just like how grandpa used to make it. I was looking at the set menu, but i was hungry and wanted to make my own set menu. So was craving sticky rice, garlic pork, lao sausage, and morning glory (chinese veggies). Hot damn, that was good, puts japanese food to shame, or maybe because i havent eaten this stuff for so long. Oh yum, it was like how me and ark used to go to the laos store to buy food to grub on or when we hit up all those thai restaurants around town, damn it was good. Definetly worth the extra bucks. I aint gonna be cheap, because hell its already cheap. Back home that would have been a $40 or $50 meal, but here, a nice $11.50. Sounded good, and damn i am comin back!
Lastly we finished the night with a nice lao style massage for a whopping $3 for 60 minutes. A bit more pricey, but the place was pretty nice and the ladies there were nice. When we got in i was translating some stuff to Susanne so i guessed they kinda knew that i understood Lao, even though i didnt say much to them. Funny how u can spy on in on people. So they were fighting over who could take us upstairs, then eventually the nice cute girl did. Kinda fun to talk to some locals in my crappy laotian, they sure got a kick out of it , they were very nice, their names were Duweh and shoot i forgot ... but anyways the girls nickname is chubby, and her friend was joking how heavy she was when she was twisting my poor back and legs like a pretzel. They were also amazed that i knew laotian, they and like everyone else thought me and susanne were japanese, not sure why, the other lady said the way we dressed and our hair, no ever says chinese or anything else but japanese. So these girls asked what i was, so i explained that my father is from here and that i am lao, viet, and chinese. And they are like wow! Then they always throw in that if i am French because i speak english, but i say nah , i just live in america. Funny to listen to what they talk about too, so the girls were talking and one asked what language she wanted to study, the other replied, japanese, maybe english, cute japanese boys i can talk to, then her friend asked how about french? Then she said, nah i dont like french ... funny ... anyways the girls were sweet and had a nice massage to end a nice day.


Anonymous said...

Yo homie. Hope you're having fun in the motherland! Merry Christmas to you too man. Dude, bring me something to miru so i have shiet to watch when i come back. haha. no worries, but i did have request from the queen for lost season2 if it's not too much trouble. man, i'm a dumbass. i forgot to bring my cord so i can upload my pictures onto my computer while i'm here. how retarded can one get. ~element buddies

Kane said...

buy a card reader for ur SD, its cheap yo